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Sexy Black Boots | RSpence | 6


Looking into the mirror you are stunned by what you see. You make a few movements to make utterly sure, but it is you. No longer are you just an average man, in front of you is a beautiful brunette with hair down to below your shoulders. Your brown eyes stare in wonder back at you. Your lips are full and red that on their own would have been enough to get a man hard as a rock. Looking down you can see your breasts, and they're big ones at that. Gotta be at least a 36 inch chest, perhaps 38, and good FF cups. Going down your curvy and flawless form continues to below where you see what should have been your pussy had you been a normal woman. Instead you see your 9" penis is the hardest it has been in a long time at the view of yourself. No more than 5'9" high, you are a curvy beauty with a little something extra. You can't help but desire to jack off over this image of yourself, until you remember the dildo wedged firmly in your arse.

Moving it you can feel it bringing you closer to cumming, so you keep moving it with your left hand whilst you begin masturbating with your right. The feel of it against your sphincter feels so good you wish this had happened sooner. The thought of a man doing it to you entered your mind momentarily but vanished soon as you got disgusted by that thought, and instead thought of fucking a woman up the arse whilst in this form. That brought you over the edge and soon you came all over the mirror.

Getting up you looked at yourself and your cock grew again. But more time for that later, what to do now is the question?


What to do, what to do?

          Take a shower

          Go out and explore


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