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Moonlust | Lycanthrokeith | 2


The searing fury in your pussy, in your breasts, in every cell of your body reaches critical mass with the wash of moonlight.
You quickly flip yourself onto all fours and crawl toward the edge of the bed, still fingering your soaking vagina as you pant uncontrollably. Desperately, you race toward the window, blocked by the large dresser in your way. Angrily, you snarl and grasp it with thickening nails, heaving it across the room into your entertainment center. It doesn't matter; feeling the moonlight is paramount; becoming is all.
You slash away the curtains with your curving nails, moaning with your lust as saliva drips in globs from the corners of your mouth. You hear the voice in your head, YOUR voice, the voice of the wolf, screaming for release. As if in response, your blonde pubes darken and thicken into a coarse, tangled mass of fur. Sexual juices catch in the strands, intoxicating you with your own heated musk.
Another climax hits, and your scream degenerates midway through into a howl, echoing throughout the city. You clutch your breast and clit as the transformation begins in earnest...
The prickling sensation along your shoulders and spine signals the telltale beginning of your furry onyx pelt, thickening rapidly as you indulge yourself. Every muscle, bone, and patch of skin swells and throbs, and you heave as your body grows by almost sexual thrusts into a seven-foot monstrosity of strength and animal power. You widen your mouth to let fangs extend, and nick the flesh of your swelling breasts with your completed claws. The wounds heal almost immediately, each replaced by a swath of more fur.
You hunker down onto the carpet, grinding your fur-ringed snatch into the fibers, desperate to orgasm again. Your formerly short blonde hair turns the same jet black as your other fur, and unfurls to hang near your ass. As your ears point and poke through your coarser hair and your other two pairs of nipples and tits bud from your stomach, you snarl and bay as you rut yourself. You need a human partner, and soon...
More pleasure assaults your changing body as the lycanthropy remakes you. Your legs and arms bulge with muscle and drown in a sea of fur; a trail runs down your cleavage and around your much bigger breasts, obscenely highlighting them. Your skin becomes hyper-sensitive; you were built not to kill, but to take pleasure. You are a true sexual predator.
Amber eyes gaze at the moon while being on all fours suddenly feels much more comfortable. Your ankles have risen; you walk on the balls of your paws now.
Every change brings more pleasure. You want to transform forever, but you know the greatest sensations await. Even the multiple orgasms you receive from the completion of your pelt, the extension of your spine into a lush tail, and your face pressing out into a muzzle can't compare with your first prey.
Your ears crest atop your head as you howl long and loud in a ravaging orgasm no human could withstand. But you are no longer human.
You rise to your full height and bash away the doors to your bedroom and apartment, taking your first heavy steps into the world as a werewolf bitch. Your strengthened sense of smell detects sex, letting you know just where to go to find a human to sate you...


Who will be your prey?

          Your next door neighbor, Amy


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