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Paying the Rent: | SparkyMan | 1


Gina Rockridge sat in the old, rusted, nearly collapsing folding chair, next to the equally disheveled folding table in the middle of her kitchen. Her face was buried in her hands as her tears flowed from her eyes, down her reddened cheeks crashing onto the ugly, cracked, black and white tiles that checkered the floor. She was at her wits end. It was the fifth of the month, the rent was due, and for the third consecutive month, she didn't have the money to pay!

She cursed herself for her predicament! She also cursed Kevin, who had lured her to the big city from the small rural town she came from. She had no friends, no life, no real job, and no money! When Kevin disappeared after cleaning out her savings, Gina went into a downward spiral of depression and shame. She still couldn't bring herself out of the slump she was in.

Ever since she missed her first month's rent, Mr. Cohen, the landlord, had been hitting on her telling her that he would make "special concessions" for her. She knew what he was alluding to, but she had too much pride to be his prostitute. When she missed the second months rent, he offered his "package deal" again. He warned that the offer may not hold much longer, and she should give it special consideration.

Now she sat, still unable to pay the rent, knowing that she was probably going to end up on the street! She knew he would be by very shortly to collect his money. She tried to pull herself together, but everytime she thought she was calm, she broke down in hysterics again. She thought of Mr. Cohen! She didn't even know his first name! He was a big brute of a man. He stood about six-foot-six, and weighed in at a solid three hundred pounds. He had a bald head, and chomped on a sweet smelling cigar all the time. He towered over Gina's five-foot-two frame. Gina couldn't help but feel intimidated by him, even though he really was "nice" to her.

She considered accepting whatever "offer" he had to give. She was scared! She was trembling, worrying about all the drugs, and diseases that plagued the prostitutes. At least they made money, she told herself! She tried to imagine herself having sex with complete strangers, ever since he made the first offer. Every time she tried to imagine it, it started off with some good looking guy romancing her and laying her in a rose petal covered mattress, but ended up with some beer-bellied, old fart pressing his limp dick between her legs! She couldn't shake the stereotypical image from her mind!

Suddenly, Gina was shocked back to reality by the loud banging on the door! Gina weakly rose to her feet, wiping her tear-stained face with the heel of her palms. She brushed the hair from in front of her face, and tried her best to regain some composure before she answered the door. She tried her best to straighten the long auburn tresses that hung halfway down her back. She padded to the doorway, shocked and freightened by the loud banging again. Her hands were trembling as she undid the latches and bolts on the door.

Before she even had a chance to open the door, it flew open, banging against the wall. There in front of her stood an angry looking Mr. Cohen!


What happens?

          Gina does it!

          Mr. Cohen has his way with Gina.

          Gina tries to reason with Mr. Cohen.


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