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Organize Crime: The world is Your | groinkickgirl | 3


Lisa McFlannigan was furious - they had robbed a bank, and now all the money was gone. She had been with the girls all evening, so the culprit must have been one of the boys. She was a merciless girl, and she had always had trouble trusting men.

As she did not know which one it had been, they would both have to die. She approached Big George in her best seduction mini-skirt, her long red hair was flowing. "Hey Big George, mind if I borrow you and your 18 inch dick for ten minutes?" He was a muscle bound bruiser - he had been in and out of Jail since he was a kid, and he had always fancied Lisa, having only once ever been given a chance to fuck her before.

Meanwhile, in the other big bedroom, Vicky Smith, another Irish young lady, a party girl, crazy as hell, 5 foot 10 but much taller in those boots she liked to wear, she was very sadistic. She loved to interrogate people and was about to interrogate Tommy Ricky, the con artist pretty boy. Tommy had always had feelings for Vicky, and so he was delighted when she suggested some foreplay.

Even when the foreplay involved tieing him up, he suspected nothing. 18-year-old perky girl Mini was a very busty 5 foot 8 girl, she had colluded with Lisa and Vicky, and she was going to help interrogate both men, to find out who the traitor was and help rid the gang of him.

Tommy Ricky, was a pretty boy who sometime talks too much, and this was to prove his undoing - he was not going to make it through an hour of being slapped, whipped and sat on without spilling the beans about both men. But can his charms persuade the girls to give him another chance?

Becky was very smooth black-haired girl, 5 foot 10 with powerful blue eyes that make men weak when she glares their way. She very calm and doesn’t lose her cool. She is an expert at the guns, but also enjoys helping out with the interrogations.

Lisa was now busy unzipping Big George - she was all over him, sitting on his lower chest and caressing his upper chest, when out of nowhere, in came Becky, pointing a gun at him. He was so stunned that he froze up and obeyed her, while she and Lisa tied him up and commenced interrogating him too.

Not convinced that he was telling them what he knew, they started to squeeze his balls in their hands, knowing that the pain will make him feel subordinated and humilated, keen to talk if it might make them stop.

Ricky was not faring any better. His story didn't add up, and the whiplashes were really tearing his body open - he was not so handsome now. Desperate for a short breather, he said "okay, okay, I'll tell you where the missing money is ... but you have to stop beating me up". After one final whipping, the girls stopped and gathered around to listen. He blamed Big George, saying he saw him take the money to the warehouse, but that was all he knew.

Now the girls were especially keen to make Big George talk, but they were not through with Ricky either, as they did not believe him, knowing he would not watch and say nothing as his share of the loot went missing. They left Becky in charge of keeping an eye on him - but Becky was not going to be able to resist tickling his sides and smacking his bottom with her noisy hairbrush while she did so.

Now there were three girls doing Big George over. "How could you" said
Mini, slapping his face hard Slap! "you scoundrel!" said Lisa - Slap! ... "you'll pay for this!" said Vicky, unable to stop herself from punching him in the face "zonk!"
Lisa grabbed a hold of his balls and started to squeeze: "You're going to tell us where the money is, and we're not going to stop making your life hell until we have it back" she said, looking deep in his eyes while squeezing ever so hard on his large helpless balls.

Lisa and Vicky took turns kicking him, whipping him and scratching him - he stood no chance, he knew he would have to talk soon, but first he thought he would hold out for a little longer, showing off his manly ability to take a beating.
But when the girls felled him with high face kicks, then resorted to three on one face and ball stomping, he cracked, and told them about Ricky's plan to hide it in his brother's house's attic, and how he was going to share the money half and half with him. He said the only reason they had come back was to take a few of their personal belongings, which they were going to do while the girls were out on a reconnaisance mission later today.

The girls were so furious that he would do this to them, they could not help themselves, and sat down on him. while slapping him in the face with lefts and rights, lefts and rights unti his nose was bleeding.

Ricky's brother was a crooked cop, trying to shut Lisa down, while keeping Ricky out of trouble. He was the perfect men to look after the loot until the guys could put it in Swiss bank accounts.

Lisa walked back down the corridor toward Ricky. She now knew where Ricky's brother lives, and before going down there, she was going to make sure that both men were suitably punished, tied up, knocked out and kept alive in case the story had been a lie.


How do they overwhealm the brother?



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