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Natural Predator | TheVillian | 1


Olivia and Samantha weren't exactly sure how this situation was even possible, but whatever was happening they knew they should be scared, fighting it, something other then only lying motionless and thinking on an entirely intellectual level.

There were no bonds holding them down yet somehow they couldn't move at all. They knew that there was this strange green dust on each other's faces but that's it. For some reason this seems to give him complete control over everything but the most distant corners of their minds. Now they are just lying on one of Olivia's large yoga mats in a sunny spot in the living room of their shared apartment as the strange man undresses them slowly.

Olivia had answered the door, something she knows she never should have done. It's just that what she saw in the peephole didn't seem to make any sense. At a glance he looked like a mid-twenties well-toned Caucasian male pothead without a shirt on. When you have decent lighting however he looks like something not even remotely human. His skin was a light shade of green like the underside of a leaf. The lines and veins of his skin looked more at home on a plant then an animal. His hair wasn't even hair; it was like a fern trying to pretend it was hair. Finally, what really unsettled Olivia, was the clear orbs with a green mesh background that passed for eyes.

Once the Plant-Man has them down to just panties he laid down between the two girls. First with sharp breaths he gives them both another dose of the green dust, taking the opportunity to take quick kisses and feel warm breasts from both. Soon after the kiss a tingling sensation begins in the lungs and quickly spreads to the rest of their bodies. Purposely taking his sweet time while crawling backward, every nerve ending in their bodies begins feeling like orgasmic electricity is surging through them. He stands up at their feet and removes his own pants, letting them drop to reveal a fully erect monster of a green dick and hold that pose until he's satisfied they both have had a good look.

Choosing to fuck Olivia first, he lowers himself over her and removes her panties- that alone is almost enough to send her crashing into an orgasm.

"How are you doing this?" Olivia manages to say before the Plant-Man lines up his dick. He doesn't answer until he pushes it in to the hilt with one hard thrust.
"The pollen on your face. Through it I can fuck with the chemicals in your blood, just like I'm fucking you now." he says almost casually in it's cruelness. Not even 10 seconds and Olivia has her first orgasm off of her rapist's cock. What was in that pollen?
"That's right. Enjoy it. When I'm done I could slit your throat or have you eat your friend and you won't care."
Olivia cums again, this time much harder then before. Samantha knows that she should be and would normally be terrified, but thanks to the pollen she's not only calm about this but a little turned on about what's happening to her roommate.
"And you'll remember forever how a rapist gave you the best fuck of your life, and not give a shit about anything else. Not going to the police, not stopping my offspring from growing in you, nothing. If you saw me again, you'd beg me to fuck you again."
Olivia would be morbidly amazed if she could be, no lover she's ever had has ever made her cum 3 times and this rapist just did it in less then 30 seconds. Can human beings survive this kind of fucking?
"I just wish I could give you your filthy mammal diseases you fucking whore,” the Plant-Man savagely grunts, as he starts fucking as hard as he can.

Nobody says anything for what feels like forever but loud sex noises seem to have a dreadful echo throughout the apartment. Eventually Olivia lets out one last loud orgasmic scream before all reactions to the fucking stop entirely. The Plant-Man begins visually getting close as well as green dust now just seems to fall of his body, quickly coating Olivia. Samantha wonders if it's possible he literally made her cum to death and the knowledge that she would be deathly afraid if he had let her concerned her. Eventually the Plant-Man cums, and Samantha can't help but think of large jungle cats claiming dominance.

The Plant-Man seems exhausted on Olivia but manages to get off of her, to which Samantha sees that he came so much into Olivia that there's a brief geyser as pressure is released. The Plant-Man seems barely able to walk, and Samantha notes it's possible he's too tired to rape her too. If she could still have felt hope she probably would have. He goes into the kitchen, and she can hear him pour himself some water and chug it down. Then some more. Eventually she hears him empty out a milk jug, fill it with water, and chug that down.

He comes back into the room, and to what would be Samantha's horror he seems completely refreshed and hard again.
"Your Turn."


It was almost dusk and the sun was descending over the horizon. Not his favorite time to be outside but it had its advantages. The female mammals were still alive, he could smell their stench. Just like all the others they'd know what he did, but thanks to some biochemistry on his part they'd never tell anyone.

They could feel all the horror and anger they could want, up until they were emotionally ready to do something about it. Then biochemical instructions from his pollen would kick in and they wouldn't have the willpower. Sure there are other ways to make offspring, to not create as many offspring as he could by any natural way he could would be a crime against biology. Still, he enjoyed some methods more then others and he hated the human animals so much.

Almost finished, the Plant-Man puts his pants back on and produces a digital camera from the pocket. He heard when the humans did things like this to each other usually a trophy is taken, why buck tradition? One picture of spent woman covered with his pollen on the left, one picture of the spent woman covered with his pollen on the right. Just before turning to leave he lets out a sigh, he was telling the truth when he wished he could spread filthy mammal diseases but being a plant he couldn't even acquire them. All he could do was resign himself with the idea that like the others he told their ovaries to produce an egg and like the others they'd "willingly" let his offspring grow in their bodies, then like the others feel the heartache of offspring dying minutes after leaving their wombs. Finding a woman who's genes could reconcile the biological differences was like finding a needle in a haystack, but there had to be at least one. And if there was one, surely there would be another elsewhere.

He almost puts the camera away when he looks at the number on the display. Has it really been that many? He looks through the camera's memory. Yep, those last two really were female human mammals 99 and 100 proudly served by the plant kingdom in this savagely satisfying fashion. Spreading apathy pollen into the air so the other mammals don't care enough to remember a walking plant-man he decides that he really should celebrate somehow this. . .


How will this green-themed-fiend celebrate 100 attacks on women?


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