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Biology Lesson | Ballsac | 2


Tentatively, Lianne moves towards you, her hand still on your crotch. She brushes her slightly parted lips against your mouth. Not knowing how to react, you stay perfectly still as she presses against your body and starts to kiss you. Her tongue pushes its way into your mouth and you can feel her soft breasts against your side.

Your erection is becoming unbearably painful, seeming about to burst through your pants. Just as you were about to give in and kiss Lianne back, she stops and moves both hands down to your tented lap.

Her hands tremble as she undoes the zipper and pulls your swollen dick from the confines of your boxers. Her hand is soft and a little cold and her grip is gentle, a caress.

She looks up at you, obviously expecting you to make the next move. "Have you ever been with a man before, Lianne?" you ask. She bites her lip and shakes her head no. She reluctantly removes her hand from your cock as you stand up to remove your pants.

She is still sitting on the bed, her knees together and her hands in her lap, looking away. Her face is flushed and she is obviosuly embarrassed. You reach down and stroke her hair, brushing it behind her ear and her gaze returns to you.


What's am I to do?

          You kneel down, easing her embarassment by kissing her...


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