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The Petticoat | adat | 1


Tyra didn't know what had possessed her to try it on in the first place, but that didn't matter now because she couldn't take it off. She took a deep, calming breath and tried again to remove it. Just to budge the damn thing would be nice.

She searched the waistband with her hands, hoping to find a clasp or some sort of release mechanism, but just like every time before, she came up with nothing. She was starting to panic now and tried to force her fingers between the waistband and her skin, to rip the humiliating thing off, but only succeeded in scratching herself. It was as if the petticoat were a part of her.

It was white with a hot pink waist band and trim.It was also ridiculously springy, it's thick, lacy folds jutting out almost horizontally, and very short. So short that it barely hid her panties when she was standing, certainly shorter than anything she owned. It was ten now, which meant it had been almost three hours since she had put it on and it had... attached itself to her. She looked again in the plain cardboard box it had arrived in, and again there was nothing.

She plopped down on her bed but was instantly reminded of her situation. The petticoat was so thick and springy that it was uncomfortable to sit on, and it jutted up in front, rubbing against her stomach and just barely brushing against the underside of her bra. She happened to glance across her room to the full length mirror and noticed that her panties were on display, thanks to the petticoat's defiance of gravity.

"Shit", she said to herself, hopped up, and stood in front of her mirror. She looked herself up and down, and was largely pleased with what she saw, until she came to the petticoat. She was short and curvy, with flawless chocolate skin. Her lips were full and sensuous, her hair glossy black and shoulder length. Her breasts were large, and perfectly proportional to her voluptuous figure. The petticoat only accentuated her thin waist and her wide, delicious hips. She turned slowly, looking for something she might have missed. But there was nothing.

She couldn't miss school tomorrow. It was her senior year and tomorrow was the last day to take the SAT's, but she certainly couldn't go like this. She looked at her clock. 10:20. She needed to come up with a solution before it got too much later. Her eyes wandered from her clock to the cup, stuffed with pens and pencils...and a pair of scissors. She smiled and rushed across the room, petticoat bouncing, and picked them up.

First she tried to slip them under the waistband, but couldn't. Frowning, she took a fistful of the fluff, and put it between the blades of the scissors, and snipped. She set the scissors down and examined the cut. Or where the cut should have been. She snatched the scissors up, and started frantically cutting at random. She later wondered how long she might have gone on that way, if the computer hadn't beeped, signaling the arrival of an e-mail.

She dropped into her swivel chair feeling defeated, and almost slid onto the floor, thanks to her fluffy prison. The scissors hadn't done a thing to the petticoat. There wasn't even a wrinkle. She was breathing heavily from her earlier exertions, and her body was coated in a light sheen of sweet smelling sweat. The thought of having to take a shower while wearing this thing made her bury her face in her hands. She took several deep breaths, and with nothing else to do, she checked her mail.

Immediately, she knew something was wrong. The address of the person who'd sent her the e-mail was [email protected]. "What the?" she murmured. Some pervert was doing this to her! She didn't like this, but she needed some answers. So it was, that with a trembling hand, she clicked on the message and read the following:

Hello my captive little flower.

I hope you're enjoying your new undergarment, as I went to great lengths to make sure that yours was the tight young body imprisoned within it. You may have noticed that it possesses some very unique properties, such as indestructibility. I watched as you tried to cut it off, so you know that it's at least tough. To show that I'm a merciful master, for the next hour feel free to try anything you'd like to take it off. After that, every escape attempt will warrant a punishment. I think you and I are going to have quite a time together in the coming days, as you experience more of the petticoat's abilities. You should think of this ordeal as a fitting punishment for your crime. What crime, you ask? Theft. That petticoat belongs to me, along with anything in it. And I intend to play with my new toy. Here are the rules.

1. You will not tell anyone about your predicament. In the event that this rule is broken, both you and your accomplice will be punished.

2. You will not attempt to remove the petticoat.

3. You will immediately carry out any order I give you.

4. You will only wear clothing that I provide.

5. I will provide you with an ear piece that you will wear at all times.

Your Absolute Master

P.S. More rules will be added as needed. Now for your first command. Go outside dressed as you are, and retrieve the packages I've left for you. I'll be watching.


Does Ty do as she's told?

          Ty doesn't go fast enough.

          She uses her free hour to try and escape.


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