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30 Days to Freedom | sm00th | 2


Ten - Kim gets another cum-uppance

Kim collected her clothes and materials from her room. While she was there, she picked up the clay jar which she had taken from the museum. She couldn't believe what she had done in just one day.

Something soft and barely visible slide up her inner thigh and then gently probed her pussy. It was a finger, she could feel the way it strained for her g-spot but even as it began to lift her spirits it melted away.

"Thirty days, Kim..." The shadow presence faded cumpletely, leaving a scared and wet grad student thinking about her life...and the slim chance she had of continuing to live it.

She banged her head once against the door. She had lived her life bound up by fears of getting caught being 'bad' at work, at school...hell, she didn't even LIKE masturbating, let along the idea of opening herself to so many men...God, what was she going to CATCH??

Something brushed at her hair...the merest whisper of the Genie's voice returned to her. "I shall cast a barrier, keeping you safe from any permanent stain of man," then she felt a warm vibration over her ear. Then it spread to her mouth, down her throat, seeped out of her cunny ...and blushing she realized it also seeped from her behind.

She moaned, a frustrated sound verging on insanity, and bounced her head on the door again. No, it's real. She just...knew.

Resigned to her fate, with just the faintest hint of excitement in her sex, she sighed, and pulled her clothes on. Leaving the dorm, she hurried to the Antho Building where here work project meeting was scheduled.

As she walked down the halls of the empty building, she looked in the tall, thin window to each office as she passed: no one. Nine encouynters already - she could do it! But it wasn't going to be easy, she thought. Then she realized what she was saying and slapped herself on her forehead. She was on a university campus! All she had to do was wander through each residence, and a couple of the campus bars, and she'd be done! She giggled, for the first time in her life she was feeling completely free of paranoia at the thought of sex, lots of sex.

She walked down the dimly lit hall, feeling her nipples harden as she remembered the rugby game she'd seen the week before, how even the harsh smell of their sweat after the game had left her dripping.

She was smiling widely when she slid to the door at the end of the hall, and pushed the bar to open it... It didn't release. A cold chill went up her spine, fighting with her new drippiness. For the first time she was excited, eager to Fuck...and she was locked in the stuffy Anthro wing of the Life Sciences building!

Then she heard it...a low humming. A floor cleaning machine? She turned and listened: it was coming from the hallway on the left. She padded down the hall, and peeked around a second corner. And there he was:

A tall man. No, make that a BIG man! He was bald, dark skinned, Samoan, a little fat but mostly just HUGE, big enough to spin the massive floor-cleaner with one hand while he smoked an equally massive cigar with the other.

This wasn't the kind of man who attracted Kim. He wasn't a student or a teacher, or a businessman...hell, he didn't look SMART at all. But all the same...

She blew a gust of air up towards her blonde bangs. "Well, Sulan, this one's for you!" Kim stripped off her clothing, dropped her books in a pile and walked toward the man, who had his back turned.

Just then his machine started sputtering, and died completely. "What the," he began, his voice thick with annoyance. "Jus' fixed you t'other day, man!" He leaned down to examine a box on the back of the machine, placing his cigar on the floor beside him. It rolled backwards a little, and Kim picked it up while he was still engrossed in the machine. Something mischievous grabbed at her, and she silently picked up the stogie.

It didn't smell as bad as cigarettes, it was warm in her hand..thick... Without thinking she spread her legs, spread her lips with one hand and gently slid the smoking-end of the cigar into her cunt. Part of her was disgusted. A new part of her was getting wetter by the second. She felt the warmth through her swollen lips and moaned.

"What--the--FUCK?!" The man was looking at her now, and she opened her eyes and smiled.

"HI," she said, her eyes half-closed as she pulled the cigar out of herself and licked the end she'd perfumed. "I'm a gift from Sulan." Then she walked towards him and slid the cigar into his mouth. His eyes were big, he remained silent, watching her, but his mouth closed softly and with obvious pleasure around the cigar.

"You're going to fuck me now," she told him conversationally as she unzipped his blue over-alls and helped him shrug out of them. Then she undid his shoes, removed his socks, straightened to help him out of his undershirt (somehow he didn't lose the precious cigar) and then slowly, with great enjoyment, tugged his white boxers down to reveal a red, throbbing, uncircumcised cock the size of an English Cucumber. She sighed, overcum with physical lust for the first time in her life, and stuck as much as she could of it - a very little bit - in her mouth.

His meaty paws grabbed her hair, slowing her suddenly eager, gobbling sucking-strokes. He made a soft, pained sound. Kim liked it, and ran her hands over his ass, to speed his strokes up. She hollowed her cheeks, hummed, even licked his balls and the head of his cock like she'd seen in a porno in the residence tv room during her first year. (Funny, she hadn't remembered that until just now)_

She moaned again, running her fingers over his belly and into his chest hair -- even that felt good, she realized. God, am I ever in fucking Heat! she giggled to herself.

The giggle was what did it. The big man made a small sound and a machine gun burst of cum spilled over Kim's teeth and down her chin.

What! She leaned back and looked up at the nameless, hulking, quickly softening Samoan and rolled her eyes. "Wow, it's true: the bigger they are, the quicker they cum, huh?"

Without another word she stood up, pulled the cigar from her mouth and sashayed, naked down the hall. "Big Softy" didn't even try to stop her... She kind of liked the effect she'd had.

IF at first you don't succeed...

A voice caressed her ear again. "That is ten...paltry, but with the fountain of his come, you are well on the road."

Kim looked arouond, disappointed she couldn't see her genie-friend, or even feel him stir her cunny again. She felt pleased with herself, though, and turned into another hall.

She heard shouts on a phone, saw a light. Bingo! She hurried to the end of the hall, enjoying the way her breasts bounced, for once. There were two lights, right beside each other.

Tiptoeing to the long, thin window pane beside the first door, she saw a woman, leainging back in her chair. It was Professor Warren's secretary! THe prim, grey-hiared woman was listening on the phone, mouthpiece covered. Curious, she thought. That's when she realized the voice in the next room belonged to Professor Warren.

"Miss Klein, if you're not willing to leave your boyfriend's dinner party to come over here NOW and suck my cock, perhaps I picked the wrong slut for the job!" And with that, the wonderful man himself slammed the phone down on the hook and stood. With a gasp, Kim realized his pants were off, and he was stroking his own cock!

Wow, she judged in surprise. It was a big cock, almost as big as the quick-spurting samoan's. It hung lower, not as close to his belly as the samoan's because it was older. But it surprised Kim to find she wondered what it tasted like.

Then there was a soft sound from the room next door. Professor Warren didn't notice, as he called up porn on his monitor and began to stroke his respectable cock, but Kim turned and looked into the secretary's office.

Well, you old Biddy! Kim realized that the secretary was rubbing her hand quickly and expertly between her legs!...and to her cumplete surprise she discovered that the object of her fantasy was a picture of Doctor Warren! That'd explain who she was listening to on the phone, Kim thought, realizing her own fingers were now matching the secretary's pace between her own legs.

Kim thought about it. Better to fuck them individually. If I introduced the two masturbators to each other, it might only count as ONE experience. And I'm on a tight (very tight, she gasped as she slid two fingers inside herself) uhh...schedule.

But who first? Cranky but well endowed Professor, or kinky but prim and proper older secretary?


Where does Kim go first to continue her fuck-count?

          11-Well endowed Mr.Warren


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