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A Boy at a Strict Girls School | aaaaa123 | 6


After five minutes, you and go to inspect the classrooms. Carrying your rulebook with you, you inspect each class by making them strip. The girls who refuse get spanked with the rulebook.

Next you head to the gym. The girls are running laps, and you inspect them by stripping them as well. Then you get an idea. Turning to , you say "You know how the Greeks excercised naked? Why don't we do that?"

With a smile, agrees with a nod. You announce your new rule over the PA system. "All athletic activities shall be performed nude, so as to emulate history and to minimize water waste in laundry."

gives you the tour of the campus, you pass through the pool area, where the girls are hastily stripping and then heading back into the water, then through the dorms. shows you one of the dorms, telling you that they are all the same. The dorm has two beds, and a sink and toilet. "The public showers are down the hall," says , gesturing with her arm.

You finish up the tour, and are heading back downstairs, when a naked, sweaty girl runs up to you two. "We're having problems in the gym!" she announces, "The girls are having fights over who is shaved and who isn't!"

You head down there, and enter the gym. Girls are yelling at each other and pointing at their crotches. A small number of them have shaved pussies, and are laughing at the others. You shout for silence. After a quick chat with you make your decision. "Everyone must shave their pussies, we will be announcing this new rule soon."

whispers to you, "Boys should also need to shave their pubes, its only fair." You agree with her, and you head to the office to make your announcement. You let do the talking.

"Fellow students, due to fights, we are announcing yet another rule. Both boys and girls must be completely shaved below the neck. Thank you!"

With a shocked look, you turn to her. "What is that about, boys need to shave their legs?"

"...And armpits," she says with a grin. "Why?" you ask. "Well, its only fair... We have to do that too. Besides, I think it's sexy."

"Oh, alright," you grudgingly agree. "I guess so... you really think it's sexy?"

"Hell yeah, hair is gross!... Hey, maybe I can help you do the shaving if you're uncomfortable. I know you're not used to shaving in those places."


"Ok, just tell me when you want to do it."

The rest of the day passes uneventfully. At dinner, you sit next to . At the end of the meal, Miss Stevens stands up and gets ready to speak.


What does she say?

          Dorm arrangements


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