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Goldeneye | glennj26 | 8


You return home exhausted after the round of sexual activity at Cyndi's and decide to go to sleep. But on the way up to your room, you drop the tape on the table, too tired to worry about it.

A couple hours later, your sister Theresa and your mom arrive home from doing some grocery shopping. As they set the groceries on the counter, your sister, Theresa, finds the tape you left there. "Mom, do you know what this tape is?"

"No, it probably belongs to your brother. Maybe you should take it up to him."

"I don't know, Mom. It sounds like he's asleep."

"Well, leave it on the table. You can ask him in the morning."

"Maybe we could watch it and find out what it is?"

"Theresa, I don't think that's a good idea. If it is your brother's, I don't think he'll want it disturbed."

Alexis shrugged and said, "Well, we can just watch a little bit of it to see what it is, and that way we'll know if it's his or not."

"Well, all right. I suppose it couldn't hurt."

They take the tape into the living room and start watching. They see your golden eyes, and like the others that have seen your eyes, they fall under your spell. They keep watching, transfixed, hypnotized, and now, enslaved. They listen intently, oblivious to any other sounds. They are under your control now. You are controlling them vicariously via the recording.

"You are all under my control now. Being controlled by me does not bother you, upset you, or discomfort you in any way. You accept being controlled by me and give yourselves to me without any hesitation or reservation."

"Yes..." they both answer in unison, as if they had been given some unknown telepathic command to respond in that manner.

"From this point on, I am your Master. You will address me as such, and you will obey every command I give you without hesitation or reservation."

"Yes, Master..." both your mother and your sister answered in a unison monotone.

"Since I am your master, that means that you are my slave. You are owned by me, and your entire existence revolves around me."

"Yes, Master...slaves..." Even though they heard the command in the singular, they realized that they were both being enslaved and answered in the plural.

"And you will not be my only slave. There will be many who will fall under my control, just as you have, and who will become my slaves just as you have become. Together, you will form my harem, my legion, and my devoted followers."

"Yes, Master...slaves...harem...legion..."

The commands continued as the tape continued to condition, control, and enslave them.

After a couple hours, you wake up and decide to go downstairs. But when you get downstairs, you are shocked to see your mother and your sister look over at you, clearly entranced and enslaved, saying, "What is your command, Master?"

"Did you watch the tape I left on the counter?"

"Yes, Master."

"So you're my slaves now?"

"Yes, Master."

The shock is definitely disconcerting. You were certainly not intending to enslave your mother and your sister. You're scrambling to think of what to do. You can't keep them like this. It would be wrong! But on the other hand, you know how powerful you made that tape. The alternative could be drastic-they could commit suicide or get themselves hurt or something. So the only thing you can do is accept them into your harem.

"Come with me, slaves."

"Yes, Master."

After all, they are both quite attractive.


what to do now

          Mom and sister are enslaved.


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