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The Choices We Make | daciasdesire | 7


“Come on Becky. You can tell me what’s wrong,” you try to get her to confide in you.
“Look I’m fine. I’ve just got a little PMS,” she tells you, not willing to go into it any further.
You have no idea whether what she said is possible or not but you have no inclination to fine out about women’s problems at the moment. You admit defeat and don’t press the issue any further. “Ok Beck, if you say so.”
“Sure. Why don’t you go back inside? I’m sure Katherine dying to dance with you. I’ll just stay out here for a bit to get some fresh air and then ill come in. Promise.”
You have no option but to take her at her word and head back into the hall.

You find Katherine just where she said she would be. You stroll up to her and ask, “ would Madame care to dance,” while offering your hand to her.
“Madame would love to,” she replies giggling with Carla.
The two of you head on onto the crowded dance floor and find yourselves a bit of space. As the music is pretty fast and up-tempo you both begin to sway your hips and generally move in time to the beats. Katherine is a very fine dancer having studied it at a professional dance studio for a number of years. Even though she has given it up now, she is still very competent. You, on the other hand, have done without training all your life. Thanks to a few underage discos, you manage to avoid embarrassment and keep up with Katherine as best you can. The two of you continue like this for several songs, with you drawing a number of jealous looks from you friends. The pair of you takes a break along with the band when the catering staff serves finger food and small nibbles for everyone.

The two of you once again join Carla for something to eat. “Wow the two of you were fantastic out there,” she gushes to Katherine as they once again begin chatting to each other. Letting them talk you have a bit of a look around the crowd. You recognise pretty much all the people you go to school with but no where can you make out Rebecca. You decide to bring this up with Carla.
“Say Carla,” you interrupt. “You didn’t happen to see Rebecca come in while we were dancing?”
“No I don’t think I did actually. I’m not sure where she is,” Carla answers you question.

You’re rather perplexed by this. You wonder if you should perhaps go look for her. You hear then the band begin warming up again and are asked by Katherine, “are you coming back in?”


How do you respond?


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