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Goldeneye | glennj26 | 7


You and Cyndi come out after having a nice long sex session, and your timing couldn't be more perfect, because the movie has just finished. As the girls awaken, their expressions are much the same as Cyndi's was after she watched the tape.

"How do you feel, girls?"

Katie, who appears to have taken an unofficial role as the group's representative, says, "Wonderful, Master. This is our dream come true."

Cyndi smiles and says, "I told you, Master. They all have a mind control fetish just like I do."

"Well, let's test this out, then. Girls, I'm going to test your reaction one at a time, but while I'm paying attention to one slave, the rest of you will not get jealous. Do you understand?"

All eight girls respond, "Yes, Master." Even just the words seem to turn them on.

You start with Katie, and you have a nice long makeout session with each one of your seven new slaves. Each one responds favorably, and loves the attention you give her.

After you finish with the last, you smile and say, "Very good. You will serve me well and please me. I think we'll have to get a house big enough for all of us."

They smile at the suggestion.

"But, in the meantime, we still have our own apartments we have to go back to. So before I go, I want each of you to write down your addresses and phone numbers so that I may contact you whenever I wish."

They agree, and you pass around a notebook to collect the numbers and addresses. Then you pick up the tape and the notebook, but before you go, you turn to your slaves and say, "You know, we've seen how this tape works with women who are willing participants, but I think we should stretch ourselves. I want you to bring me some of your friends who you know don't have mind control fetishes. The more strong willed and independent, the better. Let's see how they respond to my tape."

The girls all smile and say, "Yes, Master," indicating their willing cooperation.

"Thank you, slaves. I will be contacting you all soon."

You take the tape and the notebook with you as you return home.


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