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Humiliated | moonblack | 2


“There’s someone who wants to meet you, Lynn.” Ms. Cooper said and looked at her employee disapprovingly.

“Me, Ms. Cooper?” Lynn was a bit surprised. This wasn’t what she had expected to get from her boss after arriving late.

“Yes, you. The person is waiting for you in my office. But before that…” the older woman looked Lynn up and down “Do I need to remind you the rules about clothing while at work, Lynn?”

Lynn’s face paled as she remembered one specific rule about clothing. “N-no, Ms. Cooper. I’ll change in a minute…”

“You don’t have a minute!” The red-haired woman interrupted. “In case you hadn’t noticed, you’re late. Late.”

“Y-yes, I-I know…” The young girl stuttered, desperately trying to think of a way out of what she suspected was coming next.

“And in addition to showing up late you have someone waiting for you. You don’t want to keep them waiting, do you? So you have no time to change clothes – you’ll do so later, when you have a few minutes. For now just take off your clothes and let’s go.”

“Yes, Ms. Cooper.” Lynn said as she stared at the floor in embarrassment. Her cheerleading uniform was not on the list of acceptable outfits for work, so according to the rules (which she had accepted along with the job) she had to take if off and walk around naked until she got a chance to put on some “acceptable clothes.” When she had first read that rule she had thought it was a joke, and the few times she had been late for work she had not been caught by her boss so nothing had happened. This time, however, things were different, and if she refused to follow the rules she would only get herself in bigger trouble.

“You’re wasting time, Lynn!” Ms. Cooper sounded impatient. With a sigh the young girl started undressing: first she took off her cheerleading sweater, sitting she quickly removed her saddle shoes, and lycra socks, then her skirt followed by her bra, and last her panties. Finally she stood completely naked before her boss, her face red in embarrassment. She couldn’t believe she was going to walk around like this. Worse, she was going to meet someone while in the nude!

“Good girl. Let’s go!” Ms. Cooper grabbed Lynn’s ass and started walking, forcing the younger girl to follow. To the brunette’s relief they didn’t see anyone on the way. When they reached Ms. Cooper’s office the older woman opened the door and ordered her to enter. Hesitantly Lynn stepped in, wondering who was waiting for her…


Who is waiting for Lynn?

          A woman

          Someone she knows


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