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The Choices We Make | NightRavenJL | 8


As you walk back in you see Kat and Carla Standing by the punch bowl chatting and dancing to the band. You walk up and ask if they are having a good time. Kat exclaims she would be having a better time if you would dance with her. The band is not playing a good song to slow dance to so you figure what the heck at least you won't have to get too close to her and have Becca getting jealous at you again. So you decide to go for it, right after you finish the glass of punch in your hand.

While your out there on the floor, getting into the music, you figure out a way to get Kat to agree to leave early. Also you don't want her to get mad with you. Ever so slyly you start to make yourself look like your not feeling well. You look at Katherine and ask to be excused for a few minutes, as you need to go to the rest room. She says to go right ahead. You're gone for about 15 minutes and when you get back you see Kat, Carla, and Becca all standing around talking. As you walk up Kat asked you if you where all right?
You tell her your not feeling too well after the drinks at Beck's house, the punch and the fast dancing. While doing this you look at Becca and give her a wink. Kat suggests that they leave so you can get home and she also needs to get home to get some sleep. "I need to get up early in the morning" she states.

As you get back to Beck's car you ask if you can ride up front so you can stick your head out the window as not to get ill in the car. They all agree.
You drop Carla off home first, and you tell her you're sorry it was your fault that her night ended so soon. She looks at you and says not to worry about it there will be other dances. When you get to Kats house you try to get out and walk her to the door but she insist that you stay in the car and get home and get feeling better. "Call me tomorrow and let me know how you are doing" she says as she is walking away.

Suddenly you feel this big lump starting to form in your stomach. You now begin to feel guilty for ruining such a nice girl's night, one that appears to like you so much. All for your own selfish reasons. As you ride back to Beck's house you start feeling worse and worse about yourself. When she finally pulls into her driveway and stops the car she asks you if you're all right? You nod not letting on and she leans over to try to kiss you.


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