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The Choices We Make | NightRavenJL | 5


You look at Rebecca and tell her since you are Kat's date that you should ride in the back with her.
All the way to the Dance you can see Rebecca looking in her review mirror and eyeballing you. She seems so preoccupied with what is going on in the back seat she does not relize the car in fron of her slames on its breaks so she hits her's hard also to avoid hitting it.
When she does you relize that Kat went forward some and just out of instanct you reach and brace her so she does not hit the seat.
In doing so you relize that you put your arm round her and pulled her towards you. Kat looks at you and smiles and then leans forward and kisses you and proclaims you to be her hero.
As she is kissing you you relize she has reach down and was rubbing your leg. and your rubbing her back. Rebacca hits the breaks hard agian this time on purpose. to get you two to break it up.
what do you do ?


do you keep kissing Kat knowing that Rebacca wants you two to stop?or do you stop?


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