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Vampire Fledgling | gizmo69 | 9


You decide that it's best simply to queue and wait your turn like the rest of the people in the courtyard. You walk to the back of the line and wait behind a group of three women, all in their early twenties and all barely dressed. They pay no attention to you, but you can't help but notice the sweet aroma coming from the woman closest to you, a blonde in a short white dress who has her back to you. You surreptitiously lean forward and inhale the scent of her long hair. One of the girls, a tall brunette, lights a cigarette then huddles up to the other two. She stamps her stilettoed foot on the ground.

"I'm bloody freezing! what's taking so long?"

"Looks like the bouncers are busy chatting to some girls," remarks the blonde.

"Can't they see we're all waiting? Bloody meatheads."

The third woman, another brunette but more petite, stares fixedly at the scene at the front of the line. "Look at those sluts. They're practically sucking the bouncers' dicks! I bet they're trying to get into the VIP area."

"I wouldn't mind going into the VIP area," the blonde interjects. "My cousin Lisa went in there once, got invited after sleeping with some soap star - Mike... Mark...something like that - anyway, she told me that it's amazing. The greatest night she ever had. Trouble is, she says she had a bit to much champagne. Can't really remember the last half of the night, only snaphots. She says she was kissing whatshisname in the corner, another guy came up to them and started nibbling her neck from behind. After that, she says she just has vague images in her head. She woke up the next morning on a bench by the canal, her makeup all over the place and with no panties on. No idea how she got there. All she remembered of the night was that it was fantastic. She reckons she probably fucked that soap star, maybe even the other guy, but she says she isn't sure if it was a dream. Even if it was a dream she reckons it was the most vivid she ever had. It's not like her though. She's not one to fuck guys she barely knows."

The brunettes are listening with rapt attention. Finally, the short one asks, "does she reckon someone slipped something in her drink?"

"Well, I asked her that. She says she doesn't think so. From what she remembers, she wasn't wasted or semi-conscious. In fact, she says she was VERY active in what happened that night. She told me she remembers feeling overwhelmingly horny. As I say though, it's not like her."

"Well, if it's as good as you say it is, I'd suck a few cocks to get in!" says the tall brunette. You smile. Your cock hardened as the blonde told her tale. Your mind keeps conjuring images of you spending some time with these three beauties in the VIP area.

The queue starts to move, and you look up to see that the bouncers have let the girls in. One of them is clutching a small peiece of paper which you presume to be their phone numbers. The queue moves fairly quickly, and before long you are nearing the front. Although you have business to attend to, perhaps getting to know these girls or gaining access to the VIP area could come first.


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