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Lust of the jungle flesh | Sixth | 1


The jungle outside the smoking remains of the crashed spaceship teemed with life. Charred metal was strewn through the exotic undergrowth. The automatic fire suppressant system slowly oozed to a stop, those robotic arms which had survived Galileo 12's impacted into the uncharted planet discharged the last of the CO-laced foam and retreated into protected pods along the ship's veteran hull. Insects, some the size of a man's arm, were the first of the jungle's inhabitants to reach the ship and scurry over the remains. Red furred and simple minded ape-like creatures hung from the lowest branches of the poisonous trees which ringed the crash site and watched. Furry red tails twitched, the dangerous cluster of spikes at the tip of each thumped against tree trunks, as the primates remained vigilant to the threat of predators or the opportunity of food.

The Galileo 12 groaned. The mechanical rumble was followed by a loud and sharp hiss of steam as the six-person sized shuttle power system failed and collapsed in on itself. The red furred primates fled higher into the surrounding trees. Insects caught in the blast were broiled alive.

Sometime later the main hatch at the back of the Galileo 12 cranked open and the ship's sole survivor scrambled out into the jungle.


Which one of the crew has survived the crash?

          Ship mechanic Joshua Harding

          Prisoner Alice Mayne

          Missing daughter Rachael Swift

          Someone else


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