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White Hills Thrills | 24ward | 1


Your name is . You grew up in the inner-city projects of Calhoun City, one of the worst ghettos in the USA. Most of the guys you grew up with are in jail, in gangs, on drugs, or dead. You tried to keep on the straight and narrow as much as you could, staying in school and playing basketball at the youth mission. Recently, your family fell apart: your dad went away for some serious time on a drug charge, and your mom descended into a drug addiction of her own.

It looked like you were out of options. But the minister at the youth mission was able to put you in touch with some foster parents, Rick and Debbie Larsen. Rick is a counsellor, and Denise is a physiotherapist. The Larsens are highly involved in their church and always wanted to help an "at risk" youth: when they heard about your circumstances, agreed to "adopt" you so you could finish high school. You would be able to live with their family out in the leafy upper class suburb of White Hills and attend the WHHS down the street from their house.

Your father was absolutely opposed. "They're going to change you," he told you. "They won't accept the man you are." But ultimately you decided it was better than life on the streets. Some guys called you a sell-out, an "oreo". Other guys wished you luck, and encouraged you to call them up once you met some white girls you want to share.

So you said goodbye to your old life when Rick and Debbie came and picked you up. They are a good looking couple in their 40s, both trim and still in good shape. They packed your stuff into the back of their SUV and welcomed you in.

As you drove down the freeway from downtown towards White Hills some 40 miles away, Rick and Debbie told you about their family, the Larsens. They have a daughter about your age named Katherine, or "Katie". She's very popular at school and is on the cheerleading squad at WHHS. She's excited to finally get a brother! You'll be staying in the room formerly belonging to their elder daughter, Kimberly. Kim is in college, attending the nursing school near University Hospital. She currently lives at a sorority house, but is planning to move in with her fiancee, a law student named Dean.

Your high school in the ghetto was pretty substandard, so you are going to be taking technical and remedial courses. You figure you're pretty smart, so you should be able to pass without too much difficulty while leaving you lots of free time for recreational pursuits.

You meet Katie when you arrive at the house. She is a bubbly blonde, petit and with an athletic figure. She welcomes you with a smile and a big hug. "We're going to have alot of fun together!"

"We're all going to have some fun!" Debbie chimes in. You smile in agreement. Your cock shifts in your shorts.

Your room still bears feminine decor of its previous occupant. You put away your clothes and make yourself at home, but note that the bottom drawer in the desk is locked. You'll have to ask about that. Looking at pictures displayed on the mirror, you note with satisfaction that Kim is likewise a pretty blonde woman, with larger breasts than her cheerleader sister. You feel an erection building. You look at a picture of the Larsen sisters in bikini tops, smiling at the camera. After a moment you discover you began to rub your dick. That night you have many happy dreams about your new home with your new family.

The next morning, Rick knocks on your door bright and early. "Hey, Katie told me the basketball tryouts are this morning. I know its your first day, but you might want to try out. I hear you can dunk!"

You rise reluctantly from your slumber and start to get ready. You peer out the window and note with some surprise that a bedroom in the next house over faces yours. As you look, you see a brunette walk into the room wearing a towel. She closes the door and takes off the towel. She has a fantastic naked body, and you watch in awe as she slowly dresses. Your dick bulges once again as you watch her, and even think there is a moment when you think she glances in your direction. She puts on a cheerleader outfit and grabs her pom poms before she leaves.

You are left short of breath by the experience. Suddenly there is a knock on your own door!

You turn and answer it, being careful to conceal your erection behind the door. It's Katie, wearing the same cheerleader outfit as the brunette next door!

"Hi, sleepy head!" she chirps. "Not ready yet?"

"Uh, no" you reply.

She glances at you intently. "Is Alyssa ready yet?" she asks, before hiding her eyes behind her bangs.

"A... Alyssa?"

"Yeah, my best friend, she lives next door," Katie says, biting her lip and barely concealing a smile. She glances at you again before bounding down the stairs.

You stare after her.


What do you do?

          Try out for the basketball team

          Beat off and back to sleep



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