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Three Girls and a Swelling Cock | DruulEmpire | 18


"I know that seemed a little odd just now, sort of a mini CAT scan -- we call it a kitten scan -- but what we basically did is take a kind of remote sonogram of your body, especially in the genital region, and ... " Dr. Wilson paused as she studied pictures resembling X-rays. " ... I must say that you have tucked-away penile tissue like I've never seen, there's quite a bulk of it. It's anyone's guess how far it could stretch. But I don't want you to worry, nothing too unusual should happen. Any stretching will only be temporary anyway."

"Really?" It concerned Ben that he was not able to keep his gains. "There's no way to keep it stretched?"

"I will admit, there is one interesting case that has been discovered by the W.I.S.P.R. in which a man's DNA responded peculiarly to a cure for a rare blood virus. The odds against his reaction were a billion to one; in his case, the stretching remained permanent. They're still trying to figure out how that happened. But, as I say, the odds were a billion to one, so I don't want you to be concerned. And besides, you will be well monitored -- Ah!"

Ben turned to follow Dr. Wilson's gaze when she said "Ah!" Three women in white lab coats approached.

"Ben, these are my colleagues, Dr. Polkinghorne form the United Kingdom, Dr. Tremont from France, and Dr. Braunschweig from Germany."

Ben and the three foreigners exchanged greetings. They spoke fluent English and had only vague accents. They were all attractive women, distinguished by Dr. Polkinghorne's tumbling light chestnut hair, Dr. Tremont's cutely bobbed black bangs, and the tall Dr. Braunschweig's near-platinum blondeness. Ben grabbed a sneak peek of their bodies and was very pleased.

"Dr. Corsetti is running late," apologized Dr. Polkinghorne.

"We'll just have to make do. See you all later." Dr. Wilson closed the door as they left. "All right, Ben, just lie down." She activated a few video camera, then handed Ben a large tubular device encased in clear plastic. "Insert yourself in this."

Ben obeyed, a bit reluctantly. "What is it?"

"It's like an erotic device called an auto-suck. It will help urge you to erection."

"It's kind of ... impersonal."

"Yes, well, sex research does pose its challenges. But don't worry, these camera will be monitoring you at all times."

Ben "inserted" himself, then took his pills and some water, and Dr. Wilson left.


Any success?

          Like a sex machine


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