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Unusual Gift Received in my Grandfather's Will | Zigurat | 2


I frowned at the letter, glancing at the simple gold band I had placed on my left ring finger. It really couldn’t be a joke, could it? But he left me the store. If he was telling the truth, then I couldn’t make any money off the place without the ring. I have to test it out. Uncertain, I stretched forth my hand towards the phone.

A loud rapping filled the room and I pulled back my hand quickly as if stung.

“You in there, Theodore?”

Drat, I grimaced. It was Carmen, one of my cousins. I really didn’t want to talk to her. I hadn’t for years. We had been close as children, but as we grew up, we grew apart. Perhaps it was because we had been caught playing ‘Doctor.’ Carmen and her parents had moved away after the incident. Afterwards, she had become a spoiled brat, always doted upon by her mother. I don’t think I had been warped by the incident. I simply received a thrashing from my father. It wasn’t too bad. I could have sworn he had chuckled afterwards.

“You alive, Theo?” she called again, still knocking upon my chamber door. I ground my teeth. I couldn’t stand being called Theo. Perhaps, with the ring…

“Open up, Theo!” Carmen hollered.

“I’m coming!” I yelled back, standing up from the threadbare chair. Stomping to the door, I swung the portal open and looked upon my cousin, a smug smile across her pretty lips.

“’Bout time,” she smirked, striding into the hotel room. I fought my face still, locking the door behind her.

“So,” she said, sitting down imperiously upon the lone chair. “What was in the envelope?”

“Why should I tell you?”

“Because I’m your favorite cousin,” Carmen laughed.

“I don’t know about that,” I told her. “You depantsed me at the ’02 Reunion, remember?”

“I did, didn’t I?’ she giggled. “Everyone laughed and laughed. Your face was so red; I was amazed you didn’t pee on the spot. Not that you could, what with that boner you had.”

God, what a bitch, I fumed, struggling to maintain a straight face. She always gets under my skin.

“Want to know something funny?” I said, thinking quickly. “You remember Rachael? The friend you had invited to the reunion without asking permission?”

“Of course,” Carmen smiled, leaning back. “We still talk every know and then.”

“How often?”

“Why? You want her number?” I wanted to laugh. I already had her number.


“Why should it matter then? Perhaps if you told me what was in that envelope, I could introduce you to Rachel,” she licked her lips licentiously.

“Why should you care about what I received from Grandfather? What else would you want from him? You got the more money and jewelry than everyone else.”

“But not the manor,” she frowned at me.

“Why would you want that old place?”

“It’s worth a lot.”

“So? You really want to pay all the taxes on that place? Hell, you’d even have to pay to fix it up. You know grandfather was starting to get senile late in life. He hardly kept it up over the last three years. It’s possible it could even be condemned!”

“Doesn’t matter,” she shrugged, revealing a sparkling belly button ring as the hem of her short tank top lifted. “I still want it.”

“Sorry to disappoint, but I didn’t receive the manor,” I rolled my eyes. “Try Aunt Sammi or Aunt Marissa. They also received envelopes.”

“What about your mother? She got one as well.”

“She showed it to me. It was a thank you letter for raising me so well.”

“Crap,” she cursed, then raised a thin eyebrow. “Then what did you get?”

“I don’t think I should tell you,” I said haughtily. “It was a private matter between Grandfather and I.”

“Oh, really?” Carmen said, sitting up straight on the chair. “What was it? A thank you letter for bending over for the old lecher?”

That was going too far, my constrained anger boiling over at the dark haired bitch.

“You want to talk about bending over?” I said coldly, my eyes green flames of fury. “Rachael told me all about you. How you would suck anyone, fuck anyone to get ahead. Even her.”

“Rachel wouldn’t tell you anything!” my cousin hissed. “The cunt knows to keep her dirty mouth shut!”

“Not to me, she doesn’t,” I smirked arrogantly. “She remember my boner from the reunion quite well when we met as State. Turned out the slut never had a cock before and really wanted mine to be the first. Keeps coming back for it, too. Rachael says there isn’t another dick or tongue like it. And according to her, you were the worst of all her lovers.”

“That bitch!” Carmen exclaimed, standing up in anger.

“Sit down!” I barked at my cousin, idly noting a sudden tingling about my left ring finger as she returned to the chair. I pointed my finger at her. “Now, you little whore, you listen to me!”

“Okay,” she said, her face suddenly pale as she clutched at the arms of the chair, her body trembling.

“You’ve been a crappy cousin for years! You’ve humiliated me too many times! You piss me off! It will stop now! You will not tease me! You will not make me angry!”

“Okay,” Carmen nodded. I blinked, could Grandfather’s ring actually be working? I had to be sure.

“Now stand up,” I commanded my cousin. I held my frown as she complied. “Turn around and bend over the chair.”

I grinned at her presented posterior. It appeared to be working. Or it could be that she was scared of me. Too soon to tell.

“Now tell me the truth,” I said, running my hands over her denim-clad buttocks. “Rachael wasn’t sure if you ever actually fucked anyone. She could only admit to your poor pitiful tongue-lashings. Have you ever had sex? And I don’t mean oral. I mean physical, passionate pussy-filled sex.”

“N, no,” my cousin stammered, shaking beneath my hands. “I, I’m still a v, virgin.”

“Your cunt’s still pure?” I exclaimed. “Neither cock, tongue or pussy has defiled your womanhood?”

“No,” Carmen admitted. “I’m not a complete slut.”

“Care to explain that?”

“I remember that reunion very well,” she said meekly. “Especially when I saw your erection. I, I had to laugh to cover up my astonishment at the size of your dick. I’ve been dreaming about it ever since.”

“Well, well,” I smiled. “You incestuous little cunt. Been wanting your cousin’s big cock all these years, hmmm? What would you say if I were to fuck you this evening?”

“Please?” Carmen said softly.

“Perhaps I shouldn’t,” I said. “You are my cousin. Besides, what would your mother say? I could call her over since the two of you are sharing a room.”

“Please don’t,” she begged.

“What’s stopping me?” I laughed.


Can Carmen stop me?


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