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U.S.S. Ishtar | bastian | 7


It didn’t take much convincing. Save for the few women that had previously indulged themselves nearly every woman aboard the Ishtar was so horny that they would do almost anything to satisfy their intense desires. Since there was no time to return to the privacy of their rooms most of the women simply shucked out of their uniforms and paired off with the nearest woman. Before long the entire room was filled with pairs of Starfleet officers meticulously moaning in passion as they ate each other out.

“Captain you are need on the bridge,” Jeri was awakened from her reverie by the sound of Ensign Davis paging her. “On my way,” she sighed and promptly left the room.

* * * * *

“Report Davis,” the Captain asked her all too calm ensign as she sunk back into her comfortable captain’s chair.

“Long range scanners indicate a nebula approximately 0.8 light years from our current position. Judging form its composition and density, it should allow us to loose the Borg Cube.” The ensign paused, “however, there is a risk in that while inside the nebula we would effectively be flying blind and would be vulnerable to anything that might be contained inside.”

“I don’t see any alternatives,” Jeri hated making these kinds of decisions, “Make it so.”

By the time the other bridge officers had relieved themselves and returned to their posts, Jeri was already starting to feel herself loosing control. “Fuck” she thought to herself, “If I get any worse when we are in that nebula I’ll be useless.” She thought about it for a moment, they still had about 50 minutes till they reached the nebula and that would be more than enough time to fuck someone, but whom? She looked around the room and her eyes focused on Davis. Though he didn’t show it she knew that he was suffering from the same side effects that she and the rest of the crew were, and that if release through sex worked for women, it probably should for men as well.

“Ensign Davis, to my ready room, Kokuru you have the bridge.” Quickly Jeri got up and practically ran off the bridge.

“What do you require Captain?” asked the calm ensign.

“Davis, I want you to know that I can’t order you to do what I’m about to ask, but as a Captain, I beg of you to consider my request.”

“I will do whatever you require captain.”

“I need you to fuck me Davis, right here, right now.” Jeri said bluntly, a little pleased with herself that she managed to get a startled reaction from the usually calm Vulcan.

“I…” Davis stammered.


What does Davis decide?


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