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A Hard Choice | Sky1269 | 7


As the three walked in, Aleksa noticed the hours and frowned. "What's wrong?" John asked Aleksa replies, "It's after hours". "I'll get us seats" Davie assured them. Walking up to the waiting area they meet a beautiful young latina waiteress named Stacy , 18, 19 maybe. Aleksa whispers "I'd love to get her in front of a camera". John smiled at his wife.

The assistant manager comes in from the back and noticed Davie he dismisses the waitress to help in the kitchen. The assistant manager held eye contact with Davie for like ten or fifteen seconds before introducing himself "I'm Brad I'll be your waiter" a young man with short cut black hair and blue eyes.

Brad led Davie and the couple to a table in the back for privacy. Brad brushes his hand over Davie's as he hands out the menus Aleksa hides her face with a menu trying not to grin...too much. John ordered the chocolate special while, Aleksa got green tea for herself and Davie got some iced tea.

Lighting up a little cigar Aleksa nudges her shoulder against Davie's asking him "So what's going on with you and Brad" with a knowing smile. Davie replies "I met Brad last spring at a dorm party he was half-drunk when he banged me really hard from behind, at first I just ignored him while I was making out with a hot new girl" Aleksa could feel the wetness between her legs and said " I want to hear more


Does Davie go into more detail?

          Yes, Brad was trying to slam-dance Davie


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