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Invisible Woman in the Savage Land (Adult Story) | Vorhees | 8


Sauron hissed in rage as the guard's voice reached him. The imbeciles! no doubt to busy watching Sue's ass to notice any danger.
"Time for this farce to end." Sauron snarled. "Shaman! Attend me!"
The air shimmered and one of the court shamans appeared next to hs lord. The shamans were the ones responsible for the transforming potion, along with other duites such as foresight and healing. Now, Sauron has a different task in mind.
"My lord?" The shaman queried.
"Transport me to Sue Richard's location right now!"
The shaman bowed and began muttering under his breath, with a flash, Sauron vanished from the throne room.

With a spray of blood, the second guard fell beneth the raptor's talons, his desperate swings had gone wide and thus, he no longer had to worry about Sauron's wrath.
The raptor snorted and swung it's head around, making sure there were no other threats before fixing it's reptilian eyes on the female. It's small brain registered her oddness, but his nose was filled with the scent of a fertile and aroused female. With a growl, he began to circle around Sue as she franticly looked for an escape. Concentrating, she vanished which brought a starled squack from it.

But before it could attempt to attempt to sniff her out, an enraged scream made it's head jerk up and it saw another winged being swoop down upon it. It was like the others, but larger and had the feelings of an alpha male upon it.
The raptor dodged as Sauron swooped down to try to kill it. He then circled back and briefly hovered at the edge of the clearing as both opponents gauged each other.
What was about to happen had happened across worlds and time; two males fighting over a female. But this was it as it's most primal, all three knew there would be no bright plumage, sparkley baubles or other trappings, just pure muscle and bone pitted against each other.
Both fighters struck..


Who wins? Does Sue stay or run?

          The Battle!


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