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Invisible Woman in the Savage Land (Adult Story) | Vorhees | 4


The blockade that shielded Kazar's warriors exploded as Sue's force daggers slammed into it, sending wood flying the wariors scrambling as Sauron's own troops began moving in.
Sauron smiled as he watched Sue aid his troops. The war had been going splendidly. Before, both sides had been limited to mostly primitive weapons which, while deadly in the hands of trained warriors, still produced deadlocks when evenly matched troops met. But now that Sue's superpowers were brought into play Kazar and his troops found themselves outmatched. Arrows and spears bounced off her shields and their wooden walls crumbled under her projections. It didn't matter at all that Sue didn't use lethel force, his own troops were more then willing to take up the slack and if something happened to captives now and then..Well..they did insist on resisting.
Sauron eyed Sue and his grin grew wider. And that was not all, the potion was starting to take effect; Sue had grown about an inch, and her body was more toned. Muscles had started to develop and her breasts were almost a full cup larger, standing tall without need of a bra, and her legs were oh so delightful, capable of sprinting for longer distances. And most imprtant, her skin had begun to take on a greenish tint. Not anything like She-Hulk mind you, but a light emerald hue like those of his kind.
The potion-makers had rambled on about future changes; Soon her teeth and nails would sharpen, ears would become pointed, and her eyes would become the brilliant gold of a serpent. Scales would develop after that and perhaps wings and a tail.
Sauron imagined a fully transformed Sue and chortled at the vision of beauty that she would become. He licked his lips and his loincloth bulged out again at the thought of such a being, all prepared to be his mate, ready to accept his seed, breasts swelling with milk and belly full of his progeny.
Sauron snapped out of his fantasy and leered at Sue. Right now he didn't think he could wait. She was definatly ready for him. But good things come to those who wait...
"Hmmm.." Sauron mused. "Early bird gets the worm, or paitence is a virtue?"


Can Sauron control himself?

          Sauron waits for more changes


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