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Mr. Evil | markier | 2


Robbie opened the door a crack. "Who is it?"
"It's me, Robbie," a female voice said. Robbie recognized it instantly, it was none other than his English teacher, Mrs. Sway.
He opened the door the rest of the way and Mrs. Sway stepped into his room. She stood 5' 5", with long legs, a tight ass and a hefty bust. Her long, blonde hair fell to the small of her back and she had icy blue eyes that made more than one male student melt. She had a cute face, with small lips and a pug nose that made her look even younger than her 25 years. She was wearing a loosely fitting pink collared sweater and a blue skirt. Her outfit was completed by a pair of high heels.
Robbie's head was still buzzing slightly as his teacher entered the room. He closed the door and turned to her, and was surprised to find worry in her eyes. "Robbie, I heard what happened, and figured out why you weren't in class."
Robbie blushed. "It was no big deal, really."
His head was buzzing even more now. He winced, which caused Mrs. Sway to come over. "You okay?"
He smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit tired."
It was then that he noticed it, with Mrs. Sway so close, her hand on his shoulder. He felt something coming from her. He couldn't begin to describe it. It wasn't something tangible, it was something in his mind.
Almost instinctively, he prodded at the...something...with his mind. It felt like his mind was pushing against some kind of rubber. He stretched it, and the more he stretched it, the closer Mrs. Sway came to him. Eventually, she had wrapped his arms around him and was crying on his chest.
"I feel so worried, every time I see a student like you get abused. I always worry about what could happen..."
Mrs. Sway was hysterical now. Robbie, losing his concentration, made his mind push forward sharply. He heard a loud snap, and Mrs. Sway stopped crying. In fact, she stopped everything. She slumped to the floor and laid there in a heap. Her eyes stared blankly ahead.
Robbie waved a hand in front of her eyes. Nothing. "Uh...Mrs. Sway...? Maybe you should, you know, get up."
With that, Mrs. Sway stood and took a stance that implied she was giving Robbie her full attention.
Robbie was worried and confused. What had just happened? He walked over to Mrs. Sway, grabbing unto her shoulders and shaking her softly. "Mrs. Sway...say something!"
"Something..." she replied in an even tone.
Robbie, in shock, just sat on his bed. Slowly, the pieces of the puzzle began to come together. That rubbery feeling he had felt with his mind...that he had snapped....its was Mrs. Sway's will! He had snapped her will!
Instantly, ideas flooded through Robbie's mind. What if he snapped Paulie's mind? That'll care of his bullying. Forget Paulie! He could snap everybody's mind! He could control the very people who beat him down throughout all of life.
His gaze wandered over to Mrs. Sway, and he realized that now, she would do anything he said.


So, what happens with Robbie? Does he begin his takeover, or does he have fun first?

          Robbie has some fun with Mrs.Sway


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