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Adventures of Anya. | Bisquick Khan | 9


As two months passed, her belly grew swollen, her breasts increasing in gravidity accordingly. Her enclosure was nice enough, an acre or two of underground land, complete with one bedroom to bath. This didn't keep the time from being tedious.

A countdown cruelly ticked away in the atrium of the house. Impeccably styled for pre-cataclysm familes it was unremarkable enough to be mostly blanked out by the rolling orgasmic pleasure that would cause her to fall to her knees, desperately trying to worm fingers into her cunt, only to find tendrils reaching back out. Her brood, the beasts she'd been carrying within her for almost a month and a half now. On her knees, she felt a tendril wrap itself around her clit, jacking off the gentle nub in a lurid display. Her own fingers slip into her cunt, desperately trying to get herself off.

The Doctor had been watching her from the Camera booth, which was looking well lived in. The Facility was only partially autonomous, and so most of his trash was still collecting on the console, his own eyes glued to the beauty desperately seeking orgasm, the tiny tendrils of purple beast, leaking out of her fecund cunt. He watched her orgasm, the sound turned low - her gasps and grunts and moans weening out of the sound system like slowly escaping gas. His own erection was raging, but this was Science damnit, and he had a willing subject.

Back on the ground, Anya leaned her head back, her cunt still leaking, the fishnets slick with her juices, the rumbling in womb subsiding. Only a few more days now. Her breasts had nearly doubled in size, along with her clit which had grown considerably in length and sensitivity. The PVC was all but too small, and she abandoned it now - once again, naked.

The Week passed, fading from one mind rocking orgasm to the other, her breasts grew again, now leaking milk, thin a white at first and eventually the white of protein. Her own body reacting to the changes within her Womb. The Octosquids grew more and more active, as the final day approached. She had beached herself in the atrium three days earlier, as the tiny monsters began the contractions and the pleasure. Her cunt was awash in pussy juice and she sluised out onto the floor, the lurid stink of arousal to the extreme filled the air, as her mind was routinely overloaded with pleasure, knocking her out on a regular basis. The final day slammed into her like a freight train.

She found she was no longer in the habitat, instead chained down to a cold steel table - the good doctor stood besides her in labcoat and gloves smiling, tweaking her nipples, poking her cunt, observing the purple tendril that reached out of her cunt, wrapping itself around his finger. He smiled, writing things down on a clipboard.

"Well, Well well. You've been a good slut and now it's time for your reward! The Octosquids birthing is something that has only been described as Exquisite, however I've only had one subject survive!" He cackled at this last statement. Anya could have cared less, as her cunt was once again on fire. The Octosquid began their exodus, the first sluicing out of her womb with a lurid slurp it's tentacles carrying it out. As it passed her cervix she cried out, straining against her bonds. Then another, and another! It seemed to go on forever as more and more of the beasts squirmed out of her fecund belly. She moaned, her eyes rolling back into her head as her sanity peeled away into a place were only bliss was left.

An hour of birthing, He clicked the stop on the timer, the last of octosquid have sluiced out of her sore cunt, Anya had long since passed out, spent.


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