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Vampire Fledgling | gizmo69 | 15


"You know Tereza?" you ask.

"Of course. No one enters or exits my club without my knowledge. WIth Tereza, however, it was a little more...personal than simply an awareness of her existence." Sarah has finished licking your cum off the floor and walks back to where Ginger is sitting. "Thank you, my pet," says Ginger. She leans into Sarah, and they kiss passionately, tongues darting between each others' mouths. After a few moments, Ginger pulls away. She wipes at her mouth, and you notice that the thing she is wiping at is a trickle of your cum, passed from the floor, through Sarah and into Ginger's mouth.

"Go on," you say.

"You see, Tereza and I have known each other for many decades. Around 150 years ago, when London was smoggy and dirty, and poor-houses and asylums were overflowing with the impoverished denizens of a post-industrial revolution age, I embarked on a new venture with a Kindred by the name of Kurt Goldberg. Dr. Goldberg and I wanted to create a progeny of talented, beautiful Kindred to combat the influx of low-class, poorly behaved riff-raff that were currently being sired. You see, we feard that if our society could not hold on to its nobility and its traditions, then we would soon sink to irrevocable depths. In essence, our society as we know it would die out.

"We created a school, near Regent's Park. We only sired the most beautiful young women, and then sent them to the school to be trained to understand their nature, to hone their skills and to learn etiquette, our traditions and customs. It didn't matter what background they came from, once they left the school, they were perfect ladies, and more dangerous than anyone else of their generation. It was a successful venture, and at times we had as many as twenty girls at the school. Tereza was sired in the '60s. She was taken from a brothel in Soho, tired, poor and ashamed of her life. However, once embraced, she became a star pupil. As you can imagine, she was one of the most beautiful girls in the class, and she picked up new skills quicker than all the others. Her particular strength, however, was seduction, an this also turned out to be her fall from grace.

"Tereza grew wearisome of the daily grind of the school. Although sexual play was encouraged among the girls, as part of the learning process, relationships with men were forbidden. Men were found to be more resistant to our teachings; too headstrong and aggressive, which disrupted the whole class. Without men as distractions, the girls were able to focus their studies, and in turn build their own strength and independence. After their teaching was complete, it was their choice as to whether they fucked men, but for the term of their tutelage, it was prohibited, and we strictly enforced the rule. Tereza, however, grew to miss male company, and after several years of tutelage resorted to absconding every few nights and roaming the streets, pleasuring her every whim with each man she found.

"After several weeks, I started to realise what she was up to, and her work was slacking because of it. I followed her one night, and as she was entangled with a man, I approached and caught her. I marched her back to the school, and was determined to deal out harsh discipline to her. She pleaded with me to let her off the hook, but I could not. She had made a mockery of the entire school. However, on return to the school, I found out that i had been duped for a considerable time. Dr. Goldberg had been twisted by his own power over the girls and the respect they had for him. He had taken to stealing into their rooms and fucking them: Tereza was his favourite. I wanted her thrown out of the school, made into an example, but Dr Goldberg would have none of it. A vicious row ensued, and I became so enraged that I left the school and never returned. Over 100 years' work was lost to me, since Goldberg had turned it into an den of lust. For the past 50 years the school has been corrupted by the quest for pleasure. the school is isolated and Dr Goldberg holds command over his 'daughters.' He sends them out to hunt from time to time, and they return for feasts and orgies. Rumour has it that Dr Goldberg is quite insane and his daughters have become beautiful, seductive and wicked.

"Tereza tried to continue her studies, but had lost respect among her peers (those, at least, who were loyal to me). She left soon after I did."

"Do you know where she is now?" you ask.

"She blames me for her fall from grace, even now, and has several times tried to ruin me, take my club or see me lose the position of power I hold. Each time was unsuccessful, but I see it sensible to keep some spies on her. However...she disappeared last night, after she sired you, and no one seems to know her whereabouts. Pehaps it would be wise to go to the school, to see if they know where she may be. I know she still visits Goldberg regularly."


Do you go and find Goldberg?



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