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My Cute Niece | studred | 1



After a nasty divorce, in which my wife got to keep the house and most of the money, I decide that I don't have much else but family to fall back on. i called up my brother, and am embarrassed to ask if you can crash at his place for a few weeks ... at least until I get back on my feet.

I pull up in my old Mustang, the only thing I got to keep from your failed marriage, and walk up to the front door carrying a beat up knapsack which contains half of all my stuff.

I ring the doorbell, and after a few seconds a beautiful little blue eyed blond girl answers the door. "Hey uncle !" She said biting her bottom lip.

Oh my god, I think to yourself, she is gorgeous.

"How you doing? Daddy told me you would be coming today. I thought you would be coming later, or else I would have changed." She smiles and looks up at me, and I can't help but check her out. It had been forever since you had seen my niece. Now she had blossemed into a beautiful young lady. She was small probably about 5'2" maybe a 100 pounds soaking wet, and she had small yet full perky tits. Her small nipples poking through a nice white shirt that cut off showing her belly. Other then that she wore a pair of white cotton panties that hugged her small little hips.

Collecting my thoughts, I manage to say "Wow, Christie, it's been a long time, huh? Last time I saw you must've been three or four years ago."

"Yep, three years ago. It was at one of my birthday parties." She jumped up and gave me a hug, her breasts pressing into your chest, and I held her tight. She smelled so nice.

"Come on in, Daddy's not here right now. Of course him and mom are never home much." She turned around, and headed into the kitchen, her tight little round ass swaying as she walked. I can barely walk straight, I am paying so much attention to her hot body, but I manage to follow her into the kitchen.

What I wouldn't give to tap that, I think. As I enter the kitchen I have a huge smile plastered across your face. Then guilt gets the better of me She is my niece I think to myself.

This story is now under new managment. : ) Rico


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