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War and Sex in Fillindale | markier | 7


There's a moment of tense silence as both nymps stare at you. Then, at the same time, Remollie begins to cry softly and Troila leaps at you. The large nymph throws a punch. You dodge to the side, but the blow scrapes the side of your head. Slightly disconcerted, you make a perfect target for Troila, who lands a solid punch in the gut.
"Try to play with us, elf?" the buff nymph yells, aiming a kick where the sun don't shine. Luckily, you react with the amazing speed that allowed you to get this far up in the ranks. You grab her leg and pull. The nymph falls to the ground, the back of her head smacking against the rock, dizzying her.
You stand and smile, taking a bow and making sure that both nymps realize they've just bedded an elf. And then, you're off.

After a few minutes of running through the forest, you come to a halt. Hopefully, Remollie will give birth to a child. With a half-elven child in their midst, the nymphs in that area of the forest will have to forge a peace with the elves. And then, the king can take advantage of that peace as needed. You can already hear the heralds praising your name.
You come to a halt. You sense something. You sense...magic. The hair on the back of your neck stands up as you look around. There's a magical creature of some power nearby. It feels!
The tiny magical denziens of the forest, who have powers that their small size couldn't begin to hint at. Bedding one of them and gaining their trust would surely help the elves.
You head in the direction that you sensed the pixies, but stop as an even more powerful magical presence hits your senses.


Bed the pixies? Or investigate the magical presence?


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