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War and Sex in Fillindale | markier | 6


It's going to be difficult, but you know that you can handle it. Besides, you have to perform your duty. Without hesitation, you wrap an arm around Troila's waist and pull her closer to you. She lets out a small giggle and wraps her arms around your neck. You kiss her deeply, your tongue sliding into her mouth, sliding against hers. She moans softly and breaks the kiss.

"'s been so long since I've been with a male, no offense hun..."

"None taken," is Remollie's reply. The nymph wraps her legs around your waist and pulls you into her. You get the hint and are more than willing to comply. You thrust in and out of her, groaning into Troila's mouth. Her cunt is extremely slick, yet it is also extremely tight. You slide in and out of her, the friction sending pleasure throughout your entire body. Slowly, you build up momentum, until you're thrusting in and out, in and out, with everything you've got, your bodies exploding with pleasure each time your flesh collides. Remollie cries out, a little louder with each thrust. Her legs tighten around your waist as her hands pinch and pull at her breasts.

Troila moves from your arms, which allows you to place both hands on Remollie's waist and pull her in with each thrust. Troila moves across from you and sits on Remollie's face. Remollie grabs her hips and begins licking her wife with earnest. Troila throws her head back and moans, her hips grinding into the other nymph's face. Each of your thrusts causes Remollie to moan, the sound vibrating through Troila cunt, making her moan aloud. The cycle continues, you banging Remollie's cunt, Remollie eating Troila out, Troila's moans making you even more hot and causing you to fuck even harder and faster.

It's all going well, until Remollie cums. Her cunt spasms around your thick rod and her juices flow over you. You're unable to control yourself and cum, your jism squirting into her. And, slowly, you begin to transform back to an elf.

Uh-oh...could be trouble. Of course, the nymphs could be so hot that they don't really care...


So, what happens? Are the nymps going to give you more pleasure, or is a fight coming?

          Uh-oh, nymphs look angry...

          Species, shmecies!


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