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Wishful Thinking | markier | 10


Needless to say, the conversation has given you a rock-hard erection and you begin thinking of Becky and Julie, but you force yourself to stop. It wouldn't do to have them making love in the middle of the hallway.

You close your eyes and concentrate, picturing Becky and Julie in an empty classroom. You feel a slight tingle flow through your body, and when you open your eyes, you're there. It's a fairly large classroom with the desks lined up in rows and the teacher's desk at the front. The girls are standing in front of the desk and, as you saw in your fantasy, they're both naked.

Amina appears by your side, also naked, and smiles. "This should be interesting..."

Becky's eyes land on you and she frowns slightly. "What's going on here...oh!"

Her words are cut short as Julie comes up behind her and tweaks her nipples. "You have such a hot bod..."

Becky breathing grows shallow and her head tips back as Julie works her breasts. You smile and your cock grows even harder at the sight. You give Amina a slight nudge in the ribs.

"Why don't you go help them out?"

Amina laughs. "Like I have a choice. Not that I really mind..."

Amina walks over to the Becky and kisses her deeply. You catch a quick glimpse of tongue before their lips seal together. Julie gives Becky's nipples another tweak and she groans into Amina's mouth.


Three girls. Watch for a while, or jump right in?


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