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Dead Man's Fantasies | markier | 4


You reach a smoky hand out and press your palm against her ass. This time, you actually feel resistance, her soft flesh pushing back against your hand. The woman leaps away and continues to look around. Her face is pale and you can tell that she's afraid. On a whim, you decide to try and communicate with her. Who knows, this may lead to something better.
You float up behind her and wrap your arms around her, your hands reaching up to grasp her breasts. You're still surprised that you can feel her body, her soft flesh pressing against you. The woman starts to struggle, but you lean forward and whisper into her ear.
"Do not fear me..."
Sure, it's cheesy. But that's what ghosts say anyway, right? You're not even sure she really heard you, but something must have gotten across because her struggles stop. But she's still rigid with fear.
The changes as you begin rubbing her breasts through her T-shirt. You softly knead her globes, at the same time planting ghostly kisses along her neck. You feel her relaxing and see her close her eyes and bend into your kisses. You tweak her nipples and lets out a sharp gasp. Slowly but surely, her ass begins to grind into you, rubbing against your swelling cock. You've got her hooked.


Now what?


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