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Chrono Trigger | crono04 | 9


*From now on, the dialogue will be as it's shown in the game. This will save time and avoid confusion.*

Crono nodded his head toward the staircase leading up, and Lucca nodded in agreement. Cautiously, they advanced up, expecting to be attacked at any moment. The stairs were clear, and the soon arrived on the top floor. That too, seemed clear. Lucca dropped her gun to her side.

LUCCA: I think the place is abandoned."

???: "hhhheeeeeyyyyy, over hheeeeerreeee!!!"

It was faint, but there was someone down the hall. Crono drew his sword and started to charge. Lucca put a hand on his shoulder.

LUCCA: Wait. It's probably a trap. Stay in the shadows.

The two crept through the shadows untill they came to a cell that apparently housed the source of the voice.

???: Oh, thank Gawd you've come! Please, I am an innocent prisoner, you must let me out!

LUCCA: How do we know you're innocent?

???: I...I can only ask you to take my word for it. I have no proof unless I can escape.

LUCCA: No dice. Besides, we're busy.

???: Wait! You're searching for someone, right? I can help you! I see everyone who passes through here.

LUCCA: ....Go on.

???: Just tell me what they look like and i'll tell you if I saw them. But if I help you, you have to let me out, agreed?

Lucca looked at Crono, who looked unconvinced, despite being inwardly excited about the possible lead.

LUCCA: Maybe. First tell us what we need to know, then if you do good enough, we might let you out. We're looking for a woman about 40, green hair and wearing a purple dress. She was probably yelling about the future or it being 1000 AD or something like that. Seen her?


What will he say?

          He has, but...


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