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Warriors in Heat | gunde | 3


Kitana was stirred from her sleep by the sound of nearby steps, and in the darkness of the room she could see someone approaching her, now only a few feet away.
Adjusting her eyes to the dark, Kitana laid still, waiting for the figure to come closer, and then acted, springing up from the bed, grabbing the blade next to her.

Grabbing the figure’s right arm, Kitana twisted it around its back with the use of her left hand, while the blade in her right was brought up against the figure’s throat.
“No!” The figure screamed, in a voice that was undoubtedly female.
Kitana could see no weapon in either of the woman’s hand, and so let go of her, albeit keeping her blade in her hand, ready to strike.

The woman slowly moved over to the nightstand, and picked up the lamp standing on it, lighting it to allow Kitana to see that it was the same blonde, green-eyed hostess that Tifa had been gawking earlier. Now the blonde was clad in a unclosed black robe.
“What do you want!?” Kitana roared at the hostess, angry over having been awoken.
“It’s your friend, she’s gone!” The hostess managed to stammer out.
“I’ll show you…” The hostess said and turned to walk out the room, with Kitana following her.

There were other people awake at the Howling Lupine by now, several nude men and women standing in the corridor, wondering what all the commotion was about.
The blonde led Kitana to a room much like the one that she had been sleeping in, aside from a few differences.
Firstly, there was a nude man lying on the bed, a deep and no doubt fatal wound in his chest, his eyes looking straight up and his tongue hanging out of his mouth.
Secondly, the window had been knocked open, shards of glass on the floor next to it, signalling that someone had broken it to get in, rather than to get out.
“Your friend… she went to bed with that man.” The hostess said and pointed at the dead man.
Kitana nodded her head in recognition of what the blonde had said, and walked over to the shattered window. On the way, she noticed that Tifa’s clothes laid in a heap on the floor next to the bed.

Looking out into the night, Kitana knew that she had to set out after Tifa and whoever it was that had kidnapped her.
She returned to her room and quickly assembled her gear, and then raced down the stairs to the ground floor.
Opening the front door, Kitana stepped out into the dark, rainy night.


What does Kitana meet in the dark?

          A wizard


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