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Hentai Anime | crono04 | 5


If this means anything to you, this takes place a month after the end of Vandread, the Second Stage.

Hibiki is walking down a futuristic hallway on the residential deck of the Nirvana. He's not doing or thinking anything in particular when a familiar voice calls out to him.

"Mr. A-a-a-alie-e-e-en!!!"

Hibiki turns, knowing what he'll find behind him.

"What do you want now, idiot?"

Dita frowns. "Don't call me that. I'm Dita. I wish you'd call me by name more."

Hibiki scowls and blushes slightly. "Idiot works fine! Now why'd you call me?"

"Why? You called me Dita the other day! Why not now?" Her eyes start to tear up a little. Hibiki groans and swallows hard.

"Fine, fine! What do you want from me....Dita....?" Her face immediately brightens.

"I want you to come play in my room now, Mr. Alien! Remember? You promised you would!"

He growls to himself and crosses his arms. "Look, idiot. I said that because I didn't know if we'd make it, and I wanted you to fight for something besides yourself."

She looks like she's on the verge of tears. " were never really going to play with me in my room?" If this had happened when they'd first met, Hibiki would've enjoyed seeing a woman, his mortal enemy, crying. Now though, it made him feel bad.

"No, I was...*sigh*. Fine, I'll play in your stupid room."

Dita goes from near tears to almost laughing. "Alright!! I'll meet you there, ok, Mr. Alien?" She doesn't wait for an answer, and goes running in her girly way toward her room. Hibiki shrugs and follows, dutifully. 'A man should keep his promises,' he reminds himself. 'Even if it is to a woman.'

Dita's room is pretty far down the hall, and he doesn't go nearly as fast as Dita. Suddenly a door opens beside him. It catches him by surprise.


"YAAAAHHHH!!!! Meia! What is it?"

"I need you to come in here right now. I need to discuss something important with you."

"Are-are those Earth guys trying to harvest our reproductive organs again? Jeez, they don't know when to quit..."

"It's not that, though it does have to do with those organs. Come in here now." Then, she goes back in and closes the door. He's just about to re-open it when Jura opens her door, which scares Hibiki worse than Meia did.

"Oooohhhh, you're back," she coos seductively.


Her sexy voice changes to one that almost seems mocking. "Still as tightly wound as ever, I see. Say, would you mind coming in here a moment? I REALLY need to ask you something." She smiles sweetly and closes the door.

'Great,' Hibiki thinks. 'Now all these crazy women want me to play with them. Why can't they realize I don't want to? But I guess I should play with one of them. But which?'


Which indeed?

          Dita. A man always keeps his promise.

          Meia. It sounds important.


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