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Overwhelmed | ironmonkey | 1


"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuckkkkkk..." I trailed off my murmurrings. Lenda smiled across at me, her mouth twitching and her body shuddering as she tried to smother a laugh.

"What a voice!" I whispered across to my classmate as she regained her composure. We were sitting up the back of the darkened lecture hall, listening to the droning monotone of our lecturer. "No wonder he's a hypnotist...he had me asleep at hello."

Lenda was a short, petite little asian girl who always dressd pretty sexily. She was cheeky, outgoing, crude and a bit of a tom boy. But not the dyke type of tom boy...she was boy crazy..always telling me about some guy she met who was soo hot. But most importantly she was as slack as I was when it came to University work.

We were sitting in our psychology lecture, learning about clinical hypnosis.

"....but with great power comes great responsibility..", the somnambulent voice of our lecturer Mr. Jones drifted up to us. He even had a boring name. I glanced across at Lenda...she was mock snoring, her head tipped back.

"...of course hypnosis is only effective on people with weak or easily suggestible minds.." Mr.Jones was continuing.

" the past doctors have abused this and enticed patients into sexual and otherwise unethical behaviour with them..." I perked up a little. A smile tugged at my lips as I imagined the possibilities..maybe I should pay more attaention during my hypnosis classes after all.....

"..of course this is why we require that you all undergo rigourous personality and psychological tests, interviews and analysis before we allow you into the more advanced classes...". way I would pass those.

The class eventually ended. lenda asked if I wanted to have quick coffee with her and her younger sister in the city. I said no and made up some excuse. She was cool but I wasn't in the mood.

On my short walk home (I lived only 3 blocks from campus..but still with my family unfortunately) a strange thing happened. A bright light, like the refection of the sun from glass, exploded across my vision briefly. When the spots before my eyes cleared I looked around, confused. Now what happened then made me question my sanity...

Something was hovering in front of my first I thought it was a dragon fly...but it was blurred. Whenevr i tried to look directly at it my eyes couldn't focus on the strange flying thing. a vague light shimmered and sprakled from it as it hovered just before my face, rising and dipping rhythmically in the air. The smell of flowers wafted into my nostrils and I almost sneezed. What the fuck was this thing? Distant strains of lilting pipe music seemed to come from nowhere, always at the edges of my senses.

I was dazed, mesmerised by the smell, the sight and the sound of this unearthly little creature hovering in front of me. My mind vaguely registered something dropping into my hand. Then another dazzling flash of light.

I stood there, blinking rapidly. What the........? I cast my eyes about wildly. Nothing but the road and the trees that lined it. Afew students walked purposefully along, apparently unaware of anything unusual. I listened intently for the sound of music. Nothing. I sniffed the air. Nothing but the smell of my own B.O.

I gasped aloud as I felt the ring in my hand. I looked down, frowning in fierce concentration. How did that get there?

Laying in the flat of my hand was a small ring. It had a delicate band of white metal and held a small bright red ruby in it's grasp. It looked valuable! I quickly forgot about the strange vision I had just had of the flying thing and focussed on the ring. For some stupid reason my mind did not connect the two. In fact, now I thought about it, all that had happened was that I'd seen some sparkling light in front of my eyes (my blood sugar was probably low..I just needed to eat) and then I'd found this ring in the crack between pavement.

My mind quickly turned to thinking about how I would go about getting it evaluated. I wondered if such a dainty ring would fit my fingers.


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