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Snow White and the Seven Inches | achsin | 8


Snow White and Doc arrived back at the cottage hand in hand. Dopey was following slowly behind them. "You best get cleaned up you've had a big afternoon" Doc said tenderly.

Snow White glided across the room still tingling from the frolic in the flowered clearing with Doc.

The other five crowded around Doc. "What happened?" asked Happy, "Yeah, spill it" said Grumpy, "Give us all the details." chimed in the others. "All in good time" replied Doc, "But first" he paused looking at Dopey "we have someone who claims he didn't know this trip with Snow White was not open to the rest." The others began looking at each other and responded "Who?" in unison. Doc hitched up his trousers and pointed at a very beet red, guilty looking, "The very disobedient DOPEY!" The other five gasped. Dopey looked bewildered. He shook his hands frantically as if to say "No" but his head was bobbin "Yes."

"My brothers" stated Doc "Rather than bore you with all of the sordid details, Dopey hid in the bushes and stroked himself off, as to evidence if you will examine the right cuff of his robe and the inside of his robe you will streaks of dried cum all over. He would have even attacked Snow White as she slept after our 'special trip.' Had I not been there to stop Dopey he would have raped her in the middle of that clearing."

"What say you as to his punishment for disobedience?" queried Doc to the other five. "As our code states, it must be a unanimous sentence, between those not involved in the incident" reminded Grumpy.
Grumpy, Happy, Sneezy and the others approached the now worried Dopey. Sneezy lifted the hem of Dopey's robe and Grumpy grabbed his right sleeve. "Cum stains here for sure, AH-CHOO" stated sneezy; "Same here too" stated Grumpy.

"Dopey you have been found guilty as charged" stated Happy. "As to your punishment, I vote for the belt line." "So do I" stated the remaining four. "Dopey you have been tried and examined by your peers who have determined your punishment to be the belt line" stated Grumpy.

"Dopey" Grumpy continued "You have the choice of the time your punishment is to take place, you can accept it now, or you can wait until we are away from the cottage." Dopey looked at Doc, then Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Bashful, and the final one turned around and motioned for them to follow him outside.

Once outside, Dopey raised his robe, tucking into his belt exposing his bare bottom. His brothers lined up in two lines facing each other and removed their belts. Grumpy goes, "Very well Dopey let the punishment begin, once down and back and the matter will be settled." Dopey held his head high and fought to keep the tears back as six leather belts cracked across his backside.

"Justice has been served" stated Doc. "Let no one speak of this incident again."

Suddenly Doc and the others looked at Dopey and they beheld a large surprise


Dopey's Surprise

          Dopey's Enlarged Problem


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