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Tesseract | Maester | 1


There are many people, who believe time is the forth dimension,
that we 3 dimensionals pass through it like leaves on the Stream,
moving ever forward in steady unbending precision…
Others that all space and time are connected like some great textile.

I wish…


The Tesseract

I closed the book at last. The book whose pages I had yet to read. The book against whom I bore such loathing and such appreciation. The book would kill me or more correctly …

But I hated the thing. I walked through halls of the great library. I found the stranger I knew I must find. That human whom I hated so much. Could I love mankind enough to help this pathetic excuse for a member? And what of God? Should I save her? Should I make war on heaven and hell? Should I kill them all? I am too weak spare the world my sin.

I walked over to the child stranger. I would damn us all. I handed the book to the familiar stranger. I as I knew I must, I said only this, “don’t break it.” Then I left


I took the thing this familiar person gave me. I was not sure who this person was but somehow I knew them. Without another word my gifter was gone and I was alone in the library with this strange blue box. On it were written the words

Aevi Naturales Pro Dispietis”

I noticed there was a mark on the side of this cube, but as I touched the side I found material give to my touch as if it were paper. My curiosities aroused I held the box/book in my hand and puzzled as to it’s nature.


Open the book

          Turn to the first page

          Turn to the second page

          Turn to the third page


          *Warning this is purely an explaination of the new gender grammar & has nothing to do with the story


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