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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 9


Joyce parked her car in front of the New U Salon and tried to fight off a growing headache as she listened to her youngest daughter’s complaints.

“But Mom that is completely unfair! The other girl totally started it. Besides I only tripped her, it’s not my fault she fell into that locker and broke her nose.”

“That’s enough Dawn! You’re still grounded when we get home. The only reason I brought you here is because Buffy is patrolling and couldn’t watch you. Now I want you to sit quietly while I get my hair done. Do you understand me?”

When Dawn agreed Joyce led her daughter into the salon. Inside they were greeted by a woman who could have stepped off the cover of a porn magazine.

“Hi there and welcome to the New U Salon. I’m Viki; do you have an appointment?”

Joyce covered her shock at the sight of the buxom blonde in front of her. “Yes, I’m Joyce Summers. I called earlier.”

Viki giggled. “Yes of course you’re just a few minutes early.” She turned to Dawn. “And is this your daughter?”

“Yes this is Dawn.”

“How lovely. Let me get you two something to drink. We have some wonderful mineral water.” Viki then teetered off on 6-inch heels and quickly returned with two crystal glasses.

Joyce calmly sipped from her glass while Dawn took a big gulp and grimaced at the taste. “Mom this tastes funny and that woman looks like a slut!”

“Dawn don’t judge people on how they look! Also mineral water is suppose to taste like that.” Joyce snapped out unaware that their drinks had been drugged.

A brunette approached them with Viki a few steps behind. “Hello Joyce I’m Ashley. I’ll be working with you while Viki here will take Dawn.”

Joyce looked at them in confusion for a few seconds. “I’m sorry I only made an appointment for myself.”

Ashley and Viki just giggled for a moment. “Oh don’t be silly Joyce. Our appointment book shows both of you scheduled for ‘the works.’ Now come on let’s go.”

Thanks to the drugs now in their systems they didn’t question the situation and followed the two sluts.


Follow Dawn or Joyce?

          Start with Joyce's hair

          Joyce is brainwashed


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