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Summer Road Trip | SlaveDragon | 12


Tom glanced in the mirror one last time and watched as Jackie stepped back from the curb and walked toward her front door. The sway of her hips made Tom grin as he remembered the way those same luscious hips had been thrusting into his mere moments before. The grin stayed on his face all the way out of town.

Tom felt more relaxed than he could remember feeling for a long time. All the stress of finishing school, getting packed and ready and planning the trip, his anxiety about the future ... Tom realized that all these things had been getting to him more than he knew. But the last few hours with Jackie had been like the ultimate full body massage -- Tom felt utterly released from all that tension.

As he drove on, however, Tom realized that perhaps a little tension was a good thing; he was starting to feel a little bit drowsy. Maybe driving all the way by himself had been a mistake. After all, when you've got someone else in the car, you can at least talk to help stay awake. Tom considered calling Joan on his cell phone, but talking on a cell wasn't the best idea for driving either.

Then up ahead, Tom saw a hitchhiker. The idea of picking up a hitcher didn't really appeal to him, at least not in this day and age. You never knew who you were dealing with. As Tom drew closer he saw that the hitchhiker was a tall, slender black girl, about Tom's age, wearing a backpack. The first thing Tom noticed were her legs, long dark thighs and shins dropping down from short cutoffs. She was walking backwards along the side of the road, so as to watch the approaching traffic, and Tom's eyes moved up from the strong legs to the well-muscled belly that showed beneath the crop-top of her T-shirt. Large, high breasts distorted the decal on the front of the shirt, which read, "Eyes up, pervert!"

As Tom's car drew nearer, the girl flashed a grin filled with white teeth.


Does Tom stop for the hitcher?



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