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White Slavery on the Dark Continent | 24ward | 3


Seanna and Nicole make it through customs without too much difficulty. They leave the airport, somewhat taken aback by the poverty and pollution of urban Africa.

Nicole makes for the taxis, but Seanna grabs her and shakes her head. "No, that's too expensive," Seanna explains. "We'll just take the bus!"

"Oh," Nicole says, stunned. She comes from a family of wealth and privilege. All her life she's been used to the best, especially when travelling. The idea of getting on an African bus with normal Africans is a little revolting to her.

Her revulsion goes from theoretical to real when the girls find themselves a bus going to the outlying town of Tuonga. Their packs are tossed unceremoniously atop the bus and the girls press their way onto the bus. Fortunately they are able to find a seat, which they squeeze into awkwardly.

The bus lurches into motion and rumbles down rough roads and out of town. The other passengers stare at the white foreigners with a mixture of curiousity and suspicion. The girls, conscious of the attention, do not speak but smile shyly but awkwardly at the Africans.

Hours go by and the sun goes down. By this point their backs ache from the poor seating and the constant jiggle of their breasts as the bus rumbles over unforgiving roads.

"I hope we get off soon..." Nicole grumbles quietly.

Seanna stays quiet, because she doesn't know exactly where they are, where they're going or how long it will take to get there. She silently wishes she had planned this a little better.


What happens to Seanna and Nicole next?

          A familiar place...?

          In the mood for adventure?

          End of the line


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