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The Frustration of a Middle Aged Man | SebastianJ | 8


Turning off the television, Steve headed to the guest bathroom. He closed the door behind himself, and slipped out of his t-shirt and boxer shorts. Sighing deeply, he placed his palms on the counter top and took a long, hard look at himself in the mirror.

Not model handsome by any stretch of the imagination, he was still a good looking man. Tanned skin, a few gray strays starting to peek through his dark hair and the few wrinkles he did have were mainly around his eyes. Laugh lines, they called them, and he could remember the good times he had spent making them. With his wife, his daughters; but the good times seemed fewer and farther between now. His eyes still seemed to twinkle with the boyish side of him, just waiting for the opportunity to come out and play again.

"So why didn't Lisa want to play anymore?" he thought. Turning around, he leaned back, resting his muscled ass cheeks on the lip of the counter. "Maybe she's having an affair," and then he laughed. "She's so much of a bitch most of the time, who would want her? The Ice Princess of the East?"

But Colleen... now there was another story. She was definitely much warmer. And as he thought about their earlier brief encounter, his cock gave an instinctive lurch. Steve shuddered slightly as he felt his scrotum tighten, pulling his heavy balls up tight against the base of his thickening member. He reached down with his right hand and gave his cock a couple of reassuring squeezes, and he felt it harden in his grasp. Stroking lightly, he reached into the shower to turn on the water.

Before climbing in, he turned to appraise himself once again in the mirror. His rock hard cock jutted out in front of him, twitching against the quickly warming air of the bathroom. "What woman in their right man wouldn't want to climb onto that?" he whispered to himself, before climbing into the shower.

Warm water coursed over his body. Steve relished the sensation, and stood motionless for several minutes, feeling the tiny rivulets as they wound their way over his skin. He quickly washed his hair and body to get down to the business at hand.

"I might as well give myself a treat. Lisa sure won't, and I know I'll sleep better."

Reaching for the bottle of conditioner his wife kept in the shower, Steve put a small glob of goo into the palm of his right hand. Turning away from the water, he slowly spread the silky liquid over the length of his hard shaft. He ran his fist down his cock, and reached below with his fingers to gently coat and massage his balls as well.

Spreading his legs slightly, he leaned forward and pressed his left palm against the back of the shower. His right hand moved faster and faster over his cock, his thumb stroking over the swollen head on each upward stroke. He closed his eyes as he pumped, and now imagined his thick cock sliding deep into Sara's hot young pussy. God, she was hot.

He could see her standing in front of him then. Here, in this shower, she would bend over and moan to be taken from behind, and he would be only to happy to oblige. As his imagination roamed over Sara's naked body, he began to thrust his hips, fucking his thick cock through his slippery hand. He pumped faster as he imagined how tight she would feel, how warm and wet and tight her pussy would be, wrapped around his cock. His knees buckled slightly, as he stroked his long shaft back and forth. Faster and faster he pumped, pleasuring himself. Wanting to cum so badly, but holding back to prolong the ecstasy.

Finally, his breath coming in ragged gasps, Steve came. His tight grip pounding up and down his smooth cock as he shot glob after glob of hot cum against the back of the shower. He bit his lip to keep from moaning loudly enough for his wife or his guests to hear. He slowly massaged up and down his shaft, milking it for every drop, before turning and rinsing himself once more beneath the hot steaming waterfall.

Clean once again, Steve reached down to turn off the water, and climbed from the shower. Grabbing a wash cloth from the cabinet, he used it to clean up his streamers of cum, now sliding sexily down the shower wall. He dried himself quickly taking a little extra time on his still tender, semi erect cock. He loved how it felt after he came. It still had enough heft and weight to be massive, but without that mind splitting urgency of having to cum. He was comfortable and satiated. "An orgasm buzz," he thought, smiling wryly to himself.

Dressing, Steve went to the kitchen for another glass of water, then climbed the stairs and slipped into the bed beside his still snoring wife. "Tomorrow has got to be better than today," he thought before drifting off to sleep.


The sun came up


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