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90 minutes later AC Milan had made a mockery of your dreams. Your boys had scored one in the first half, and held that lead until there were only three minutes left in the match. You were sucking down beers and trying to figure out if Amanda would really blow you if you won the bet. Amanda was hot looking, about that there was no doubt. Her tight ass and big tits more than made up for her sometimes hard personality. She acted like one of the guys sometimes, but you could never forget she was a woman, not with that body.

Suddenly Milan scored a goal. You were totally pissed, even though Amanda jumped up screaming and hugged you pressing her big tits against your face.

Then with less then thirty seconds left in the game there was a stupid hand ball in the box committed by your boys. One penalty kick later, Amanda was looking at you with a nasty gleam in her eye. "I'll see you tomorrow . Don't stay up too late; I don't want you to have a limp tongue tomorrow!"

Two to fucking one in the final you think to yourself. Losing on a stupid mistake, what a bunch of idiots. Maybe you need a new team to support. You are pretty drunk, so you stagger your way home and hop into bed to sleep it off.

The next morning the alarm clocks sets off a buzz saw in your head when it starts ringing at 6:30am. God, that was stupid to drink so much last night you think to yourself as you crawl, literally, to the shower. The hot water wakes you up marginally, and you suck down a diet coke and a bagel and are almost ready to face the day.

As you are heading up to the office you remember the bet you made with Amanda last night. She wouldn't really expect you to carry it out would she? I mean you were goofing around trying to get into her pants last night, but sex at work? You decide to slip into your office and hope she forgets the whole thing.

You sit down at your desk and pull up your e-mail. The top one is from Amanda and you see it was from about the time you slunk in. It says, "Don't think I forgot about our bet you slippery bastard. You had better come see me right now and pay up for today. Then I will think about anything else I would like you to do for me."

You ignore her message for about an hour and actually manage to get a little work done. You are working on a nice proposal that will give the company a million or so in sales when all of the sudden, WHAM, you hear your door slam closed.

"Are you trying to go back on our bet?" Amanda says looking at you kind of pissed off.

"We were drinking," you stammer, "I didn't think you really wanted to go through with it."

"Well I do," she continues. "I want you to come lick my pussy , until I orgasm in your face." She sits down in the guest chair in front of your desk and pulls up her short skirt to reveal her cunt ready for you to lick.

"Come on big boy, you have a bet to pay up on", she chides you.

Looking at her nicely trimmed dark furred cunt, she doesn't need to ask you twice. You are in full lust at this point and ready to lap at her cunt and anything else she would have you lick. Coming around the desk you get down in front of her. You can see her slightly swollen pussy cunt lips are already wet, like she had been masturbating while she waited for you to come to her office.

Your tongue runs up and down the length of her cunt lips, tasting her pussy juice as you insert your tongue between her cunt lips. Putting your hand behind her ass, you pull her pussy towards your probing tongue. You can tell that you have found her clit when she suddenly moans loudly.

You glance up at her face and see that she is pulling her nipples through the thin fabric of her blouse. Her nipples look nice and long and she pulls them hard as you lick her clit. You turn your attention back to her cunt and continue to work your tongue up and down both sides of her pussy, brushing her clit as you work your mouth. You slowly build your focus on her clit, licking it longer, stroking it harder with every pass of your tongue. She is moaning loudly now, and you pray that she locked the door so no one bursts in on you two.

Amanda begins to buck her hips and you grab onto her firm ass even harder keeping her clit in continual contact with your flicking tongue. Then her legs clamp around your head forcing your face into her climaxing pussy. She has to stifle her yells as she cums hard, your tongue driving her to ecstasy. Just before you begin to suffocate she releases your head and says, "Not too bad. Come see me at one and we can talk about your next payment."

Then she stands up and pulls her skirt back down covering her dripping cunt, and leaves your pussy juice covered face staring at her wondering what the fuck just happened.


Do you go to see her or make her find you?

          You bump into the secretary Melissa first

          Amanda sends you another e-mail

          You are not going to just hop to her command


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