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To create a story, first be sure that you have signed up for a Chyoo membership (free!). Once you've taken care of the registration logistics, click on "My Home" at the top of the page to see your Chyoo homepage. Click on "Create Story."


Here on the Create Story page, you can give your story a title, subtitle, and synopsis. The title and the synopsis are required, both of which will appear together on any listings that include your story. The subtitle is not required, nor is it ever visible to readers, unless they read your story summary.

Next, decide on a category and point of view for your story. Please understand that bestiality and underaged sex are not categories, nor are they permissable in any of the available categories. If you have questions, drop in at the Literotica-Chyoo forums at

The Maximum Threads field determines the maximum number of threads that may be born out of a parent thread. In other words, a story with a Maximum Thread of 2 will never branch into more than two child threads -anywhere.-

You have the option of asking the reader's name. If you check the "Prompt for Reader's Name" box, your story homepage will include first and last name fields for the reader to fill.


When you are finished and click Next, you'll be taken to the Permissions page, in which you will determine whether the story is open or closed, writer restrictions, and writer guidelines.

An open story is free for writers to add to. A closed story is one in which only you, the editor, can add to. Use the closed option if you have a very specific story in mind that you wish to generate yourself. You can always open up the story later.

The Minimum fields allow you to restrict your writers to only those of a certain "caliber," which you can define anyway you like. Note that karma is an as yet unimplemented feature of Chyoo, and so anything you put in the karma field does nothing.

Uncheck the boxes if you do not want guest writers to be able to link threads or edit their threads once they have submitted them. If you leave the edit option on, you will have to reapprove any edits that the writer makes. The Link Thread option allows writers to link two existing threads together, so that a destination thread can be reached by way of a starting point thread. A destination thread can be behind or ahead of the starting point thread.

Now you have a guideline field, in which you can tell potential writers what your story should be about, what kinds of things you'd like to see, what kinds of things you -wouldn't- like to see, any other rules you can think of. The guidelines field is required.


When you click next, you'll go to the Automatic Action page, in which you can set certain things to occur automatically, namely, the promotion and approval of writers. Trusted writers automatically have their own threads approved, and can group-approve a new thread, if you allow them to.


Now, at last, you can start writing. Click Next to write your first page. Click "+ Page" if you think your introductory thread should go further onto a new page.

The continuing question is very important, as it sets up the next thread(s). Typically, the writer asks a question about action, and the following thread(s) answers. They are usually written something like these:

"What does she do now?"
"Where should I go today?"
"What do you think is the best plan?"


Now click Submit Story and you're good to go! Well, almost. Now the story goes to a Chyoo moderator, who will make sure that everything is in order. When he sees that it is, he'll approve your story, and other people can start reading and adding to it! You do not have to wait for approval to add to your own story.


Wait! There's more:

          How to write a thread

          What to do when someone submits a thread

          What kind of material isn't allowed?

          POV--pick the right one for your story


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