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Cheerleading Fun | SebastianJ | 6


"Just a sec," you yell, reaching to turn on the water.

Hurriedly you place the vibrator in the sink, and reach down to the floor to grab the shorts and slide them up your legs. Sliding a finger between them, you feel the small wet spot and think to yourself to be careful how you sit when Krystle is watching.

"Are you okay?" she asks through the door. "I thought I heard something."

"Nope," you reply. "Just finishing up."

You quickly wash your juices from your hands and run your newfound friend's slim vibrator under the tap. "I've got to get me one of these soon," you think to yourself as you rub the shaft dry with the towel hanging there. Quickly replacing it in the cabinet, you silently close it before reaching to unlock and open the door to the dorm room.

"Hi," you say as the door swings open. "Sorry if I was hogging the bathroom."

"No, it's fine," Krystle replies. "I was just worried about you. I thought I heard something weird."

Suddenly, her eyes narrow a little, and a sneaky smile steals across her face. She reaches up and places her hand first on your cheek, before moving it to your forehead. "Are you suuure you're okay?" she asks playfully. "Your face is flushed and you feel kinda warm. Maybe you're catching a cold from the rain earlier."

"No, I feel fine," you promise.

"Mmm, I don't know," Krystle continues, moving into the bathroom to stand close to you. Her small hand slips gracefully up to nestle against your mound, and you feel two fingers lightly brush across your swollen lips. You smile nervously as you know she can feel the wetness between your legs.


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