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Cheerleading Fun | SebastianJ | 5


You move the black vibrator down and run the tip over your mound, jumping lightly as the buzzing contacts your clit. Sucking a deep breath in at the unexpected delight, you move the shaft of the vibrator down to lightly rub across your swollen lips. You continue to tease yourself with the vibrator even as you feel your juices begin to flow. First across the cleft your lips make against the fabric of your borrowed shorts, then up to run slow maddening circles around your clit.

“My god, that feels good,” you whisper to yourself. “I wonder how it would feel...?”

You sadly turn the vibrator off, though you know it’s only for a second. Standing, you walk to the door and place your ear against it, listening for any sounds that Krystle might be awake. Hearing none, you quickly slide the shorts down your long tanned legs, exposing your wet pussy to the cool air. Running a finger deep inside yourself, you shudder. you press the palm of your hand against your clean shaven pussy, and grind against it, massaging your clit in your hand.

You exhale raggedly as you remove your hand from your wet pussy, and reach for the vibrator. Turning it on, you move to sit on the toilet, spreading your legs wide apart. You run the tip of the vibrator slowly between your lips, savoring the buzzing sensation. Slowly at first, then a little faster, you tease the tip up and down the puffy lips. You close your eyes and let your head roll forward as you graze the shaft against your now hard clit.

Moaning softly, you reach with your other hand to pinch your nipples as you slowly insert the length of the vibrator deep into your wet cunt. You hold it there for a second, feeling the sensation of being warmed from the inside out, before pulling it out. You begin a slow steady rhythm with the vibrator, pushing deep inside and then withdrawing. In and out, your wrist bending gracefully with each thrust. You open your eyes to see the shaft glistening with your juices as you begin moving it faster and faster in and out of your vibrating pussy. Your other hand moves down to begin massaging your clit, and the sensations quickly become overwhelming

Just as your head rolls back and you feel yourself about to cum, you hear a knock at at the door.


What do you do?

          The door is opened for you

          You open the door


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