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War and Sex in Fillindale | SlidingInSilk | 3


Your name is Recon Dryvindeep. You stand as one of the tallest of the elves at 6' 5. Broad shouldered and muscular with a long sword strapped to your right hip and a short sword on the right, you are feared by every male that you have met and desired by every female for the breadth of sword between your legs.

Today you are making your way into Zelwood, the home of the Nymphs. Your target is the rock nymph Rokania. The legend of her beauty and strength has reached your ears and while it intrigues you, you know that she must be dealt with. Your fellow mercs have gleaned enough information from the meadow nymphs that you have found her cave home among the peaks.

You enter finding the interior lit by phosphorescent moss that clings to the walls. Your eyes adjust to the dim bluish-green light, your slotted pupils giving you excellent night vision. There beyond you is a large chamber at first it seems to be scattered with larger boulders but when you look again you she that the boulders are actually furniture. Your sharp senses alert you to movement and you spin to find the entrance blocked.

"And just who are you to barge into my home?" Rokania asks her fists angled into her full hips.

You draw yourself up full height towering over her by a foot and yet she still seems intimidating. The light from the outside leaves her face in shadow but silhouettes her flawless form beautifully.

"I am Recon Dryvindeep," you say, "and I have come to fight you."

"Well big boy that certainly is the most unique pick up line I have come across. I'll grant you an audience as I am intrigued why you would wish to fight me." Rokania comments carelessly.

You are impressed that she shows no fear. So far you are finding her to be everything you expected and when she steps into the light of the chamber you are able to see her fully for the first time.

What little clothing she is wearing is the same shade as her skin and it clings to her body. Her moss colored hair is woven in a crown on her head but what holds your attention is her eyes. Not quickly enough you realize you are succumbing to her charms. You bridge the gap between you in two steps. You lean down and kiss her. She smiles greedily and tells you to undress which you do readily. She unties one string and her little garment slips to the cave floor leaving her naked before you. Your cock stands out proudly bobbing before you.

"You will lay between my legs and suck my pussy." She says laying back on the bed and stretching her thighs wide. Her hairless cunt flutters open inviting you with it's earthy aroma.


Do you fight her charms or dive right in?


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