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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 45


The host watched the interactions inside the common room with amusement. Willow and Tara sat off to one side and talked quietly. Occasionally Tara would blush deeply as she said something and Willow would shoot a glare at Anya. However Anya ignored these looks and chatted with Faith while she perused the songs in the jukebox.

On the other side of the room Buffy ranted to her mother and sister about all the things Faith had made her do. Joyce listened to everything and smiled as she thought about how lucky Buffy was. Dawn listened to everything and rubbed her thighs together to prevent herself from masturbating to the images it produced.


All conversations stopped when the host entered the room. He took the glares from Buffy and Willow, the fearful looks from Tara and Dawn, the smiles from Joyce and Faith, while Anya seemed to ignore him.

“Well now that you’ve all had a chance to check up it’s time for the next game. Quite simply you just write down how you think someone should be changed next. Oh and feel free to talk amongst yourselves.”

He snapped his fingers and a pen and paper appeared in everyone’s hands. Willow and Tara looked at each other then at Anya before they started to write. At the same time Faith went over to Buffy and whispered in her ear. Buffy looked up at her and with wide eyes shook her head. Faith just giggled at Buffy’s reaction before she ordered Buffy to write it down. With a sigh Buffy did as she was told.

When everyone was done, the host snapped his fingers again and all of the papers appeared in his hand. “Okay then let’s see who’s going to be changed next.”


What changes are next?

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