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Ultimate Fanfiction | No one important | 41


The host watched the demon leave and turned back to the camera feed. It may take a day or so but he wasn't concerned. If these sluts kept up this level of entertainment he could delay the auction with little loss. Speaking of entertainment it was almost time for the slayers to receive another visit.


Buffy was worried. It took her hours to shake off the effects of whatever Candi had done to her and Faith. Even though she still hungered for the chance to suck on those tits again, she knew, as long she didn’t go anywhere near that bimbo she should be fine. The problem was to convince Faith of the same thing.

They were in the bedroom as Faith looked in the closet Buffy tried to plead her case. “I’m serious Faith. If we let her in here again she’ll just manipulate us again.”

“Probably, here put these on.” She handed Buffy a pair of fishnet stockings.

Buffy followed Faith’s orders without conscious thought. “It’s something to do with her titties. They hypnotized us or something.”

Faith handed her a shiny white mini and a silk blouse. “I know but they’re so sweet and it feels so good.”

Buffy stretched the blouse over her tits and stepped into the mini. “That’s why it so dangerous. If we can’t resist it they’ll make us do things to get it. It’s like a drug.”

“Then don’t worry I can handle the effects of any drug. Here you’ll need these too.” Faith finished and handed Buffy a pair of spiked heels.

“Are you sure? I mean look at yourself. You’re dressed like that cause she told you to.”

Faith looked down at her clothing. She had on a pair of black 3-inch spiked heels. Tight leather pants went up her legs and showed off the curves of her ass. A see thru mesh shirt was topped off with a leather vest that just brought more attention to the sight of her breasts.

Then Faith looked at how she had dressed Buffy and smirked. Buffy had a pair of white spiked heels. Fishnet stockings went up her legs and stopped an inch from the bottom of the mini that barely covered her ass and pussy. All of this was topped off with a white silk blouse that had a plunging neckline. This gave a wonderful view of massive amount of Buffy’s cleavage.

“Maybe you should look at how you’re dressed as well. Anyway if you’re that scared just hide in here and I’ll go deal with her.” Faith couldn’t help but chuckle as Buffy looked in the mirror and gasped at how she was dressed.


Faith felt anxious as Candi came into the room with their next meal. Buffy had practically barricaded herself in the bedroom saying to let her know when the bimbo had left. Faith however wasn’t going to hide especially not from some bimbo, a bimbo with big tasty titties for her to suck on.

Candi put the food down and smiled at how Faith was dressed. “Oh my, you look very sexy right now. But what about Buffy? Isn’t she here?”

Faith couldn’t tear her eyes away from Candi’s breasts. “She thinks you’re going to control us with your tits. I figured that if she keeps herself locked up it just means more for me.”

Candi smirked and pulled down her top. “Oh you greedy little slut. You just love my titties don’t you? Come on say it.”

Faith breathed deeply as Candi’s scent filled the room. “Yes I love your titties.”

Candi pulled Faith to one of her breasts and moaned as Faith started to lick and suck. “Suck on my titties and listen to what I have to tell you. You can do that right? You’ll do anything I tell you to suck on my titties won’t you?”

“Anything to suck on your titties.”

“Then I want you and Buffy to do some things. If you do all of them you might even get some big titties of your own.”


What does Candi tell her or check on someone else?

          More fun with Buffy Faith and Candi


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