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White Slavery on the Dark Continent | 24ward | 2


Reverand Duncan MacPhail is the founder and director of the Christian Crusade for Charity Fund, an evangelical charity operating to provide education and aid to remote areas of Lamumba. The Fund is popular among the peasants it helps, but is scorned by the nationalist leaders who see it as a neo-colonialist institution.

In the last year, Duncan's health has began to fail him and he realized that after 30-odd years, he would have to accept retirement and give up his ministry. But he is eager to see the Fund continue. And so he turned it over to his daughter, only 20 years old but eager and enthusiastic. Young Heather is as beautiful as she is energetic: she has long curly red hair and steel grey eyes. She favors low-cut blouses, which show off ample cleavage as well as a conspicuous gold cross around her neck. Her father doesn't approve, but Heather thinks the cross and the prominent breasts cancel each other out. Despite her alluring appearance, Heather is a good girl and is still a virgin despite dating a nice boy from the choir named Martin for almost four years.

So Duncan brings Heather to Lamumba to introduce her to the staff and show her the sort of good work the charity provides. Heather is excited about taking over her father's work and visiting Africa, since has never even been out of the Midwest USA.

Duncan and Heather MacPhail arrive in Lamumba and pass through customs without incident. As they exit the airport, they notice a well-dressed tall black man holding a sign that reads "MacPhail". They approach him and find that he is Andre, their driver and local guide.

However, upon landing in Africa, Duncan's condition takes a turn for the worse. Anxious to reach the Fund HQ deep in the bush at the provincial town of Tuonga, Duncan inquires about an available nurse. His contacts in the local teaching hospital introduce him to 23-year old Heidi Handel, a student nurse from Germany willing to accompany them into the interior. She doesn't have much experience, but he must take what he can get.

Andre drives the father and daughter to pick up Heidi at the hospital dormitory. She is a beautiful blonde, with blue eyes and an athletic build. She wears the traditional white uniform of the nurse, freshly cleaned and starched, which shows off nicely her long legs and c-cup breasts. Andre greets her warmly, noticing the cleavage her shirt displays as well as the great deal of leg left uncovered by her skirt. Duncan and Heather are happy for her company and medical care, although they quickly discover her local knowledge and grasp of English both leave much to be desired.

Duncan decides to head immediately for the charity HQ in a provincial town of Tuonga, some 100 miles inland. Duncan and his nurse slide into the back seat while Heather climbs into the front with Andre.

The German embassy reports that Heidi, Duncan and Heather disappeared from the capital together. Since then, the security situation in the country has deteriorated terribly. The teaching hospital has shut and the rest of the staff returned to Germany. The phone lines are cut, so there is no way to determine if they arrived in Tuonga.

No one knows what happened to Duncan, Heather and Heidi and if they are even still alive.


What has happened to them?

          Stopped at a roadblock

          Accident in the bush

          The trip from town is uneventful...



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